Beta Java Pnd

Huh, weird. javaws is there, but ipk doesn't create a link to it. I've updated the install script to create a javaws script similar to the java one. I haven't tested it with anything, but it should work.
You can download the complete PND and rerun the install (press OK when it tells you java is already installed), or if you don't want to download another 34MB file, you can copy javaws into your /usr/bin directory, and into your appdata/java directory.
For the sake of 35Mb wouldn't this be worthwhile putting this in the next Hotfix? I mean would this not also give firefox & chromium use of Java and generally give the potential for a lot more apps to run?
35MB is still very large against a 500MB drive, though. I don't think it should be an automatic install thing with the hotfix, but perhaps optional. Besides, it's only 35MB compressed, 121MB uncompressed. I'm also still considering it beta right now. Actually alpha; it's feature incomplete. Give me a week to try some stuff.
I suppose I could add a "Install permanently" option which will copy the PND file to the NANDs pandora directory. It should work from there as well, then you don't have to worry about keeping the right SD card in. Extra special care would have to be taken to ensure java programs will write to the SD card instead of NAND in that case though.
Shame. But he has said that in a few years, when sales die down, that he might release the source code to the game. If he did that, would a port be feasible?
Blue Protoman said:
Shame. But he has said that in a few years, when sales die down, that he might release the source code to the game. If he did that, would a port be feasible?
It's Java: technically it's feasible to port it now. It's just not worth it because of its alpha status; he keeps radically changing the code every few weeks.
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I know it's not worth it now, especially since he hasn't released the source code. But I meant in a few years, when sales are down. How well would a port run on Pandora?
It's mostly the graphics and the chunk generator. The procedural chunk generator is quite simply really really intensive, and generally the biggest source of slowdown I've seen. A solution is to write a program which runs it, generating a few thousand squares around the spawn point so you have room to explore so the Pandora itself never has to generate a chunk. The graphics are also fairly inefficient, simply in the order that things are drawn even: shouldn't be nearly as major an optimization as slaeshjag is making it out to be, it can simply be done as part of the rewrite that would be necessary to use OGLES.
OK So I've downloaded the Java PND and run the install script. To run a java app I presume I need to 'java [locationoffile]/[filename]'?

Whenever I do that I get the following error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
followed by a big chunk of stuff and a 'Could not find the main class. Program will exit' error.
OK So I've downloaded the Java PND and run the install script. To run a java app I presume I need to 'java [locationoffile]/[filename]'?

Whenever I do that I get the following error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
followed by a big chunk of stuff and a 'Could not find the main class. Program will exit' error.
hmm well I just tries that and got a much shorter error message 'Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from.....'

I'm also getting the same results trying to run a class from my uni coursework, which isn't a jar file (ignore that - was using the file extension by mistake)
Pleng said:
hmm well I just tries that and got a much shorter error message 'Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from.....'

Then you have a phone program or something, not a complete java program. phoneprograms need j2me not jre
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Is there any possibility for a Java applet plug-in for Firefox? That's the only thing I really need Java for.. every bank in my country is using a java applet for their common log-in system.
Can i install this to an SD card? I don't have all that much space left in NAND (30ish megs).

Edit: Read the first post over sounds like the majority of the package stays in the pnd location :)
Yeah, the "install" is just a few hundred byte script that opens the PND on the SD card when you run "java" from the command line.
Mental note, get off my lazy butt and finish this. :P