Japanese Input


I'm not sure how good that is, my Japanese is a bit rusty due to lack of use (too bad I don't know of a forum or IRC channel or something to use it in). In any case, my Japanese is too basic to express how much I appreciate this in that language, even with Gwaei at hand. :P
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I'm not sure how good that is, my Japanese is a bit rusty due to lack of use (too bad I don't know of a forum or IRC channel or something to use it in). In any case, my Japanese is too basic to express how much I appreciate this in that language, even with Gwaei at hand. :P

Maybe a little more correct this way:


By the way I did not know you could speak/use japanese :)
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Maybe a little more correct this way:


Thanks for the tip! :)

By the way I did not know you could speak/use japanese :)

Probably because there isn't normally a situation to use it on these boards. :) Yes, I know some basic Japanese (grammar is good, vocabulary is shit), and I also know a tiny bit of German.
If it helps, some months ago I wrote a tutorial for making a custom map of the Pandora keyboard to type in Russian. The same steps should work for any other language... you just have to map the keysyms. Here's the link:


Unless things have significantly changed software-wise since then and the method no longer works...
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If it helps, some months ago I wrote a tutorial for making a custom map of the Pandora keyboard to type in Russian. The same steps should work for any other language... you just have to map the keysyms. Here's the link:


Unless things have significantly changed software-wise since then and the method no longer works...

By the way I have not seen any Russian-based Pandorian so far - are there any ?
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Humm.. interesting.

I thought some Japanese user asking about Japanese Environment but actually not only Japanese :P





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mmKALLL you are in Japan?
No, I reside in Finland. However, I'm planning to come over next year and am currently studying basic Japanese. I find it useful since many good games have been only released in Japan as well.  ^_^  My apologies for any horrible mistakes  :P

Also, sorry for the late reply - I haven't been on the boards for a while since everything has been running so smoothly on my Pandora.  :lol:  I use Skype a lot though.
Sorry for digging this thread up, but I deemed it unnecessary to start an entirely new one either..

I'm unable to get the typing work on the newest firmware. I reflashed my system, did everything as I did previously and the Input Method shortcut is in the settings menu. However, when clicked, the leftmost light just barely blinks and nothing happens. I checked with LXTask, the CPU usage jumps up for a few seconds but then goes down. It seems like it's terminated as soon as it starts, similarly to when the RAM runs out. However, insufficient RAM can't be the problem - I have 150 MB of unallocated space.

Any help?