Jap dreamcast


GP Guru Wannabe
Mar 8, 2003
Im very pleased with myself i just bought a jap dreamcast with 7 games of ebay for £40.00 is that a bargain or what :D I cant wait im going back to when gameing was good before ps2 and xbox :lol:
Got myself a pal one a few week ago with 2 games for £20.00. :)

SF Rush 2040 is an excellent racing game, Especially in multi-player mode, Fast too. :o


Dreamcasts are the bomb!

Of course, I wouldn't buy any games anymore... don't need to neccessarily BUY them

I just ordered a pair to joysticks and a keyboard/mouse for mine too. I wonder how goddamn long it'll take before I recieve them.

BTW, a month ago, I had 5 DC games. Now I have 43. :P
Hmm.. wouldn't mind a Jap DC myself. I've got a PAL one with about 100 games, PAL & Jap, but it would be nice to play the Jap games without using a boot disc!
Just make sure you don't wear it out cos it's very hard to roll back to PAL after having a JP machine...
ive got a us machine which i bought in the states over 3 years ago ,
i have ahmmmm!!! 300 games for it.and it still gets used.
skies of arcadia lovely game
along with the 2 sega bass fishing games
and im just waiting for boarder down very kool looking shmup
bleemcast works a treat too
still a good machine in my opinion very underated.
Has anybody ever head of a Treamcast?

Its a portable Dreamcast, i shit you not.

Just look around the internet theres an article about it on lik-sang

If anybody knows a way of getting them in britain.

The nearest is a guy on german e-bay, and since i can speak german.

Does anybody know how to use dreamcast linux, ive got all the files but don't understand how to make it work.
ive seen the treamcast and seen it working too,
lik-sand where selling them at 1 point but sega made them pull em down
not because of piracy but because it wasnt made by sega and they didnt like it .
slap slap sega
this would have prolonged the life of the machine
they werent expansive either ,but now they will be as there not easy to get hold of.
i have also a pal one.. with some originals and some no :D
yes downloaded the never released Half-life its really cool, i wonder why they didnt release it...
I ordered a Arcade pad 2 days ago for the many arcade games... :D still dreamcast is the best console i think!

about treamcast, there was one on ebay germany some days ago, but it was over 200€ at the end.. so i didnt get it
i know that there are no warez on this board and i have kept that rule pretty well, and this isn't really warez since no one loses money on it since they didn't sell it, but where can i find half life for dreamcast? :huh: