The thing on her nipple is a nipple-shield, she has said she wore these somtime ago.
It's a sun like symble, like a circle with spikes going out for it, and a bar going through the nipple, around the nipple and the nipple itself are still showing. i looked it up a bit ago
and yet this nudity will go on, but not a hentai game... what a shame *well, it's breastal nudity*
The stunt probably was unreheased, but palnned by Jenna, and the wardrobe malfuntion is that the red part should've stayed on, to not show her nekkid breast *well... technically it isn't censored, the nipple shield shows alot if you get a good picture of it*
Adult Swim last night owned her with the ( )( ) then the put (o)( ) *the o is the shape and design as the nipple shield she wore*
you may call it a nipple ring, but it's in the shield categry due to it sorrounds the nipple and not just a ring through it