Zaxxon, an italian gp2x user, just made a J2ME PhoneMe porting, that means the possibility to run java mobile phone games on gp2x.
Unluckly Zaxxon has no time to do further releases, so this code needs mantainers! If you're interested in this project and you think you can improve it , try to do a release! The gp2x community will be grateful for your efforts.
I packed this release using the stuff Zaxxon kindly posted on the italian forums (with his permission), so the project is free for everyone (especially those that want to improve it
It already has very good compatibility and speed, the only issues are the lack of sound and minor cropping problems because of the different resolutions from phone to phone games. There's also a bindable key to rotate the screen and a method which produces configuration scripts and binds the buttons for games.
This is also an interesting solution for cross-platform homebrew (mobile phone-gp2x) using J2ME (java for mobile).
Read the readme file I did for further details, here's the release,0,0,0,1,2554
(24/4/08: Edited slightly for readability, though some things not changed due to ambiguity - Tobriand)
Unluckly Zaxxon has no time to do further releases, so this code needs mantainers! If you're interested in this project and you think you can improve it , try to do a release! The gp2x community will be grateful for your efforts.
I packed this release using the stuff Zaxxon kindly posted on the italian forums (with his permission), so the project is free for everyone (especially those that want to improve it
It already has very good compatibility and speed, the only issues are the lack of sound and minor cropping problems because of the different resolutions from phone to phone games. There's also a bindable key to rotate the screen and a method which produces configuration scripts and binds the buttons for games.
This is also an interesting solution for cross-platform homebrew (mobile phone-gp2x) using J2ME (java for mobile).
Read the readme file I did for further details, here's the release,0,0,0,1,2554
(24/4/08: Edited slightly for readability, though some things not changed due to ambiguity - Tobriand)