I've Got A Little Idea...


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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erm well I'm just about to learn c. And I thought as a relativly simple project I could make a game maker so people could make their own text based adventure games using a chatboard. If I made it would anyone actually use it? :blink:
I've got a feeling there's gonna be a few Zork rips. :P
well, i would have to see the program (you know, got to see what it looks like, how to use it etc...)
that sorta sounds like a yes :P
This'll probably be a few days work for the experienced coders out there, but I don't think anyone really is to bothered. So I'll do it! Be with you in about a year ;)
check my site
theboardweb.freetohost.com (run in IE only, it's fucked up in ff)
to see my project before I move onto this.
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Coool.. Ill use it if Im still alive in a year :D hehe


keep up the good work (if you have started)
Wow, thats a SARIEN a game...... do you know what that means *getsGP32toputitontothe fuckingSMCigotlyingaroundsomewhere*
Everyone forgets about VNS.

Besides, if I were doing anything text, I'd port Sarien directly.

Play Leisure Suit Larry, it's like Fuck Quest but longer, more amusing, and actually a challenging adventure game.

Finally: theboardweb.freetohost.com is not messed up in Firefox. It looks fine.
Everyone forgets about VNS.

Besides, if I were doing anything text, I'd port Sarien directly.

Play Leisure Suit Larry, it's like Fuck Quest but longer, more amusing, and actually a challenging adventure game.

Finally: theboardweb.freetohost.com is not messed up in Firefox. It looks fine.
yeah I've always wanted to play leisure suit larry.
woohoo my site's ok! :P
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