It's Hard Not Easy!


Aug 2, 2003
Lysekil - Sweden
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I tried making my own Multifirmware but i always screw up. Im always getting error!!

So, can anyone help me to make a Multifirmware that has: "Euro firmware", "Pacrom 0.31" and "Yafl 0.3" + 3-4 slots for .fxe files. It's almost exactly as Aquafish's multifirmware but whitout the "SMC Recovery" (it have erased my memory two times!!)

Help me plz!

I dont see how SMC recovery would erase your memory just by being there.. If it is used, then it is supposed to erase the SMC to recover it.
Pacrom can do a format (Tools->Format), and GpDrive can do a low-level format if your card is messed up.
It was some crazy letters not making a real word (maby it was French?)
How do you expect people to help you if this is all the information you give them to work on? :blink:
Why don't you try explaining exactly the steps you have taken so far, the point at which it is failing, and (a wild and crazy thought but it might just work) writing down those 'crazy letters' and maybe they will mean something to someone.
So, can anyone help me to make a Multifirmware that has: "Euro firmware", "Pacrom 0.31" and "Yafl 0.3" + 3-4 slots for .fxe files. It's almost exactly as Aquafish's multifirmware but whitout the "SMC Recovery" (it have erased my memory two times!!)

you can make this one easily : use Zed (avaiable on my website) : with this one, you can make your own multifw just by selecting the apps you want to put on it...
you can put the euro fw + yafl 0.3 (or pacrom) without problems... (what's more, multifw created with Zed boot faster than my own multifw...)
aquafish_ posted on Apr 18 2004 at 06:35 PM said:
So at can anyone help me to make a Multifirmware that has: "Euro firmware", "Pacrom 0.31" and "Yafl 0.3" + 3-4 slots for .fxe files. It's almost exactly as Aquafish's multifirmware but whitout the "SMC Recovery" (it have erased my memory two times!!)

you can make this one easily : use Zed (avaiable on my website) : with this one, you can make your own multifw just by selecting the apps you want to put on it...
you can put the euro fw + yafl 0.3 (or pacrom) without problems... (what's more, multifw created with Zed boot faster than my own multifw...)
But where can i get eurofirmware? And Pacrom? And Yafl 0.3 is not just a .fxe. It has a map also. Does the map and the .fxe file both exist in the .GXB file that you create whit the unfxe?

"It's the Question that drives us Cellsplitter. It's the question that have brought you here... You know the question, just as i did. How do i make a MultiFirmware? The anser is out there Cellsplitter, and it will find you if you want it to..."

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ok ok, i've finally made it myself,
you can now download my multifw without smc recovery (the button still exist but hasn't any effect) at
be aware that i haven't tried if it work on my gp32 (it's not always to me to take all the risks!!), but he seem to work without problems under geepee32 and there are no reasons for that it don't work but if you crash your gp32, don't say that it's my fault!!