I received my 1GHz upgraded Open Panda a couple of days ago.
I gave in to the charming Christmas offer by EvilDragon.
It's been a mixed bag for me so far.
It has great potential, running just about every pnd'ed app flawlessly.
Thank you all you developers providing the community with PND's of my favourite apps
Thank you EvilDragon and the rest of the staff for providing the much needed status updates so now and then.
If the updates would not have been there, I'm sure I would have asked for a refund long ago.
The gaming controls are great, although 2R, 2L buttons would be highly appreciated in the next version of the Pandora.
The keyboard takes getting used to at the very least. While typing, I notice that some of my keypresses are not deep enough, but I am confident that I will get used to it.
I'd like to remap a lot of keys, it's a pity that the Fn-combinations can only be altered through a firmware hack. I have made some suggestions in the firmware thread about that. I don't feel comfartable hacking the firmware just yet.
Remapping the mouse buttons to the nub is highly unreliable and the nub as mouse control feels unnatural for now, lacking any precision with my current skills.
The touch screen feels incredibly unresponsive when trying to slide your stylus over the screen, making drag-and-drop operations nearly impossible. I have given up on that kind of control, opting for the more versatile terminal instead.
The only thing I use the touch screen for right now is to click on buttons,
Sadly my Class (10) 64GB SD-card does not seem to be compatible with it. I have made a GPT-table on the card, added a single Ext2-partition and sure enough, I can open it. Whenever I eject the card (after having properly unmounted it), the thing gets recognized, but the partition does not automount. If I try to mount it via sudo, it complains about bad superblocks. Mind you, the same card functions without a hitch on my PC and Mac. Even reading the thing in my Pandora seems to damge the FS. Whenever I have had it in my Pandora, my card won't mount on my PC anymore. It's almost as if the Pandora's drive is not fully SDXC compatible, because it's the exact same behaviour as after reading the card with a SDHC reader.
The card was not exactly cheap either. It is made in Japan, branded ICIDU. I'll search the Wiki for examples of cards that do work.
Not having man pages at my disposal feels a bit weird, but I understand that they could not fit into the NAND image.
Having lynx as a default documentation reader tends to be awkward when reading plain text files, forcing me to scroll horizontally from left to right and back in order to read the text. A plain text reader that imposes line breaks, such as less would be a better choice for plaintext manuals.
The battery life is fantastic, having the screen turned off when closing the lid is quite logical and saves the batteries.
I think my main contributions to this project will be UI suggestions and documentation; maybe some bash scripts as well to make some trivial tasks a little easier.
I have the source code of most of the first Humble Bundle games. Porting some of them to the OpenPandora seems plausible, yet quite hard.
I don't think the developers would mind a port if only the data files will be required to play the game, similar to the solution for OpenDune and DescentDX1 and DX2.