Quick question about SD card folder structure


Aug 13, 2009
I'm in the process of trying to prep an SD card for the imminent arrival of my Pandora and I've run into some directions that contradict what I know about the SD card structure. To my knowledge that Pandora looks for .pnd's in one of two locations on the SD card: pandora/menu and pandora/desktop. I understand this to just be a semantic difference that determines where .pnd's show up, most notably in xfce. I also know about the appdata folder that stores application specific settings and files. Now, the conflict I'm encountering is found on the quickstart wiki page where it discusses downloading the codec pack. It refers to a folder called apps (pandora/apps).

Is there really an apps folder that I am not aware of, or is this a reference to the appdata folder? (Which would actually make no sense at all) Also, once this installer completes, am I safe to delete the pnd?

Thanks for the help!
To my knowledge that Pandora looks for .pnd's in one of two locations on the SD card: pandora/menu and pandora/desktop. I understand this to just be a semantic difference that determines where .pnd's show up, most notably in xfce. [...] Now, the conflict I'm encountering is found on the quickstart wiki page where it discusses downloading the codec pack. It refers to a folder called apps (pandora/apps).

Is there really an apps folder that I am not aware of, or is this a reference to the appdata folder? (Which would actually make no sense at all) [...]
This should answer some of your questions: http://pandorawiki.org/PND:FAQ#How_do_I_choose_where_the_shortcut_icons_for_a_PND_appear.3F.
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Guess I need to spend more time on the Wiki! Thanks guys!
"It's not the user's fault." It's the Wiki's fault, not yours. It is not yet structured well enough, which leads to redundancy which leads to conflicting information. (No offense intended Esn and all others who help maintain pandorawiki.)
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Correct. There is the traditional installation dialog though, so if nothing happens, then nothing's happened.