Cyber Monday Sale Thru Friday

May 13, 2008
Bernie Sanders' Land
Buy any i-Ecko product, support Green Goods, and get one FREE. Give the gift of Green this Holiday Season!
40% OFF ALL Pelican Products
Buy any UnderWater Kinetics case and get your pick of a FREE i-Ecko product.
Pay full price during initial purchase, and card will only be charged the discounted price upon processing. No discount on shipping prices. Multiple items will receive discounted shipping as well. Discount will be applied after purchase, so you won't see the full amount paid initially on the final charge.

Limited Stock of iControlPads remain

Check it all out at:

Thank you!

Happy holidays and winter solstice!
Too much spam as of late. I almost banned you on instinct. :D

Ooo, I may have to pick up a couple of these i-Ecko speakers :)
Your site seems to be having some struggles right now. I went to buy those speakers and there's a lot of missing content.
WizardStan said:
Your site seems to be having some struggles right now. I went to buy those speakers and there's a lot of missing content.
Yes, using Network Solutions as a host was not bad a few months back. But now when you want something done on the hosting side of things they want $179 to migrate a Drupal site from one hosting package to another. I moved the content but had trouble moving the database which is what is not working currently.

I can send you an invoice for the speakers, PM me your email address and what you want to order.

Thanks for noticing the issue, its not been pleasant when I was told that I simply needed to export and import the database. I had no problem doing the export, but the permissions are locked on the import and now I have to pay $60 to have them show me how to unlock them and import the data.

I knew it wasn't going to be that easy, but locking things down to make money is a scam.
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If it helps, I've been with for years and the only time I've ever had a problem with them is when their raid array failed (one hard drive failed, and then a second failed while they were in the process of rebuilding the array). They did right enough by giving several months free.
This sale has been extended through the 21st of December. Website should be back up and fully functional after some database issues last week.

Regarding the Underwater Kinetics cases, I'll do those at 25% off and a free I-Ecko product of choice for every case purchased.

Pelican product purchases will also get a free i-Ecko product of choice for every Pelican case purchased.