GP2X It Seems That All Gp2X Apps Are Compatible With Wiz...

Don Miguel

Certified Guru
Aug 13, 2002
South Urals
I used to wonder about the compatibility in general...
Was reading all those topics about WiZ probs..

The GP2X binaries work w/o any changes on WiZ... (just 2x - 3x faster ^_-)
So... GPH were right.. and their SDK + Dynamic Linking weren't as bad as fairy tales tell... ^_-

Any opinions?
wow it's true, i'm impressed

edit: anyway not "all" the apps are compatible, as the ones using mmuhack aren't, and it happens that only Quasist games runs on both gp2x and wiz actually (and Fleshchasmer doesn't feature sound)
We already knew this, it's just that there are barely any dynamically linked apps for the GP2X, and what there is tends to hit the hardware so is useless anyway.
Yes some applications are compatible (not all like the title suggests), mainly if they are compiled dynamically and do not use any specific hw.
For example Giana Return the Wiz beta would run on the Gp2X, and I guess any thing ive ported thats SDL driven will run on the Gp2X also (although it will be very slow since GPH SDL never used hw blitting)
So anything statically linked with Paeyrn's SDL/minimal lib wont work on the Wiz and anything compiled to use libcastor/wizlib wont work on the GP2X
yup, not all applications.

But look wider. The apps should be compatible with any future incarnations of the GP2x. It's just as good as it should be.
Yes, and why this would come as a surprise to anybody is beyond me: I've been saying this for years.
Orkie said:
Yes, and why this would come as a surprise to anybody is beyond me: I've been saying this for years.

One thing that could blow this out of the water is if they make the switch to EABI right?
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Not everything compiled with the old GP2XSDK works on Wiz, it's hit and miss - at least the math libs are outdated, so trigonometric and sqrt functions return garbage. Compiling with the Open2x toolchain and libs has worked flawlessly so far though! I hope GPH won't switch to EABI now, the last thing we need are any incompatibility problems with software that was already released.

I'm glad to see Quasist's stuff running on Wiz, though the timing seems off in FC Zero. Could it be that it doesn't have a framerate capper? I remember the huge speed boost Fleshchasmer got when running it on Open2x with its faster SDL, truly a great difference :)
is there a chance to see the Cave Story port run on the wiz? it uses cramfs.o\zlib_inflate.o but possibly it was linked with paeryin sdl... who knows... It's a shame since now Cave Story is a wiiware commercial project and other portings are forbidden
GPH did say they'd make the change to EABI, so if they don't they'll just be going back on their word...