It Is Now Time...

Monk said:
shunun said:
I think this confirms that you guy's are ignorant. You simply labeled me a stereotype, which is funny. Because you don't even know half the things I know. You aren't educated in everything I am. You have no right to label me. I am making a difference, I volunteer for the Red cross keeping homeless people fed, I talk to them, I know alot about people, alot about society. If you go on living your lives on cruise control, before you know it you'll be old and wishing you'd done something better with all your time. The way I see it, you're better off dying young and having tried.

The thing is... if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and smells like a duck... you might as well call it a duck. People aren't judging you - they're evaluating your behaviour and responding to/commenting on it. Every one of your posts in this thread conforms to a stereotype. Every single one conforms to the "I'm young and I know SO much better than all of you lot, who are idiot adults" stereotype. Every. Single. Post. Especially the ones that refute that stereotype. We know. You want to know why? Because we've said all those things too. Years ago, and for longer than you have (so far).

I'm pleased that, like me, you're actually DOING something about the world, as you see it (volunteer work feeding homeless people, in your case. Teaching children that need the help in mine). It's dissapointing that you're wearing blinkers, but - well, that's something you'll die young and never miss or grow out of as you take in the complexity of the world around you. Chaos theory. The butterfly effect. Nothing is as simple as it seems at first.

Please notice that you've accused "adults" of being ignorant and saying nothing to prove otherwise - while you've behaved like an ignorant youth and said nothing to disprove it. You're labelling US as "ignorant adults" who label you without knowing you... just like you don't know "us". There's a certain delicous irony there... you are doing EXACTLY what you seem to say makes us ignorant.

We don't know half the things you do? I bet we don't. I hope we don't. I bet you don't know half of what I know either. That's just one way in which we're individuals :)

But in a broader sense.... you've never been us. You've never been an adult, with the experience of decades walking the planet or the way the world opens up, like a flower, revealing its complexities only over time. We haven't been YOU, but many of us have matched the same broad stereotype that you are currently exhibiting - we HAVE "been there, done that" so we know how it feels. And we know how pompous adults sounded when we were young. We know how foolish, how weak, how... impotent they seemed. Living their boring lives going to work and coming home and going to sleep and going to work... how pointless! We remember that they didn't even seem to notice how little they understood the world! We can remember how we felt when we were similar to you - and how we changed when we learnt what we hadn't noticed, over the years and decades that followed. Now we can look back on people who were our age when we were young, and think "Ah! So you weren't so stupid after all!". But we still think that people older than us are fuddy-duddies (after all, WE have reached the AGE OF INTELLIGENCE) and we KNOW that people younger than us know less than we do, because we know the kind of things they know PLUS everything we've learnt since.

Put it another way - you're currently 18. I imagine you think you know more than you did when you were 9. If I am right, then when you are 36 you will know even more than you do now, and since you have a strong moral center you will be doing good things, right? They probably won't be the same good things you are doing now, because you will have lived YOUR WHOLE LIFE'S duration over again. There's a lot you can learn in that time. 18 years worth of knowledge. imagine if you could be a whole YOU more informed than you already are. How amazing would that be? If I am wrong, then how can you imagine you know any better than a 9 year old? WHY do you know more than a 9 year old? You don't stop learning at 18. You have not reached your peak yet - you can get more knowledgeable, you can be EVEN MORE. So can we.

I read everything you have said and I must say thank you. You have a great way of explaining things and I can see that's why you would make a great teacher.

I know I don't know everything, nor does anyone. Older doesn't always mean wiser, It just depends on how ignorant an individual intends to be. Ignorance isn't always bad either, you'd really have to define what you mean by ignorant, that is, what is being ignored. It's confusing in itself because as we have just discovered people, including myself, cannot see past their own ignorance and therefore find others to be ignorant. It becomes a cycle. I'm trying to be more open minded, and this little session has helped. The more ignorant one is the less they will learn from others. But I do see an awful lot of ignorant people out there and I know that this is part of the whole problem. You are probably more knowledgeable than I, and I now see that this is because you were not ignorant. We can both learn things from each other I would like to talk to you more about this but I don't want to piss anyone off :)
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Vlynndar said:
Whoo I'm done. Now to refresh and see if I beat Mali :p

EDIT: Aw, mcobit beat me :p Still fun to compare the translations :)
You are damn good, especially when considering you are from the Netherlands :)
I'm really slow, cause I've no practise in English except writing on message boards. Two years ago it took me roughly 10min to write a post, now I'm much faster thanks to the Pandora project :D
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Vlynndar said:
Whoo I'm done. Now to refresh and see if I beat Mali :p

EDIT: Aw, mcobit beat me :p Still fun to compare the translations :)

Toch netjes voor een nederlander zo snel vertalen van 2 talen die niet je eigen zijn. Ik kan prima duits lezen maar vertalen is toch een stapje moeilijker.

Thanks for the translation pretty impressive for someone translating two non native languages. I can read german but to translate it to english is a whole other thing.
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mali said:
Vlynndar said:
Whoo I'm done. Now to refresh and see if I beat Mali :p

EDIT: Aw, mcobit beat me :p Still fun to compare the translations :)
You are damn good, especially when considering you are from the Netherlands :)
I'm really slow, cause I've no practise in English except writing on message boards. Two years ago it took me roughly 10min to write a post, now I'm much faster thanks to the Pandora project :D

It is funny, but it's the same with me. I can read and understand everything that's written on the boards now almost perfectly.
Whe it comes to translations or english writing, I think I can get along. But my english skills improved with every "two months tm" on the boards.


Edit: Really impressive skills for a non native german speaker!
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Wir haben die Bankensperre überlebt, das PayPal-Rückzahlungschaos, ein paar Rechtsstreitigkeiten... wir werden auch die Chinesen überleben. Ist zwar wirklich verdammt ärgerlich, wenn alles bereit liegt und man nur noch auf das eine wartet, aber das gibt uns auch mehr Zeit, sie immer und immer wieder weiter zu nerven bis endlich alles produziert ist.

Macht Euch keine Sorgen, wir machen Druck so gut wir können und versuchen, alles in Bewegung zu setzen, damit das endlich abgeschlossen wird. Wir selber wollen mindestens genauso gerne an Euch ausliefern wie Ihr sie haben wollt.
Ist schließlich auch eine nervliche Belastung für uns

Aber wir bringen das durch. Es gibt keine Mauer, die wir nicht durchbrechen könnten :dash:

Man darf auch nicht vergessen, dass bisher alles kredit- und investorenlos abläuft. Auch da kann würde man bestimmt noch Hilfe bekommen können, ein Tod des Projekts kommt nicht in Frage

Also, noch ist die Hoffnung auf die Produktion vor Neujahr nicht gestorben. Oder in Neujahr, wenn sie die paar Euro extra akzeptieren.

Ich persönlich wäre auch schon ein wenig zufriedener, wenn es nur 1000 Gehäuse werden - dann müssen zwar einige noch ein bisschen länger warten, aber allein die Tatsache, wirklich echte funktionierende Pandoras zu haben, die nur noch massenproduziert werden müssen, würde mir das Herz doch deutlich erleichtern.

We have survived the freezing of our accounts, the chaos accompanying paypal transactions and a few law disputes... we will survive the Chinese, too. It's really quite aggravating to see that everything is ready to go but you have to wait for that single thing to complete. But this also gives us more time to bug them again and again until everything is finished.

Don't worry, we apply pressure as good as we can and are trying to get things moving, to bring the project to an end. We're at least as eager on delivering to you as you are on receiving. It actually is an emotional burden for us, too.

But we're going to get this done. There are no walls we couldn't break down.

In addition nobody should forget that neither loans nor investors have been involved up to this point. There is help to be expected from that direction if needed, the project going down the drain is out of the question.

The hope of production prior to the Chinese new year is still alive and kicking. Or production during new year, should they accept those few extra bucks.

Personally, I'd be rather glad to see just 1000 cases getting done - some would have to wait a little longer, but let alone the fact of having real, working Pandoras which are only waiting to be mass produced, would drastically lighten the burden on my heart.

Edit: Damn, I'm too slow.
shunun said:
I read everything you have said and I must say thank you. You have a great way of explaining things and I can see that's why you would make a great teacher.

Splendid! Though it takes a receptive audience - especially on the net, where it's SO easy to come across as a raving madman. No, honestly - it is. I've been interpreted that way many a time :(

I WISH Older meant wiser - and I'll do my best to make it come true for as long as I can. I must admit that the topic of generations repeating patterns is fairly close to me right now. We've been trying to clear out my mothers house of all her belongings (since she passed recently) and, aside from it being an uphill struggle, we recently came across some old photos of me and some old school reports (that I don't recall seeing when I was young) for ages ranging from around 5/6 to around 17. Not many - there are obvious gaps - but enough to make interesting reading to my wife and myself. It's amusing - scary even - to note that the subjects/topics have changed names over the years, so my son doesn't take EXACTLY the same classes that I did back then (He is somehing like 36 years younger than I) but it's amazing how similar he is to the photos of me, and how similar the teachers notes are to the ones we get from his school. Not quite alarming, but definitely eyebrow raising. Teachers, at least, even generations apart seem to be spotting the same general strengths and weaknesses in us both. SO I was, in effect, predisposed towards considering how alike generations seem to be, seperated far more by time than by behaviour, at a given chronological age.

I remember once, back in the dim and distant days of my youth, I called my boss ignorant and he turned to me, furrowed his brow and said "If anyone else said that I'd punch them, but as it's you... you probably mean something else". Then he walked away. Hi Wayne! :wave

Personally I haven't got much more tolerant over time, but I do TRY, which is what I feel counts.

The cycles, the back-and-forth - they ARE hard to avoid. I am extremely happy that we have jumped the rails of this particular track, but I'm afraid I have to cut this repsonse short - my first class is due to start soon, and my kids will miss me if I'm not there - they already missed me the last few months because I had some "time off ill" and they've been so pleased to have me back that I really don't want to dissapoint them even just for a few minutes, if I can avoid it. Just - yay shunun, great reply :D


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SONY said:
Why do these fucking threads always go over 3 pages?

Just for info, you have the highest swear word to post ratio of anyone on this forum SONY. A pity really as you seem like an intelligent bloke.
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A friend and I have gotten around all this anxiety by simply setting a cutoff date.
No appreciable action by said date and it's done. Simple as that.

As for the drama, save it for Arthur C. Clarke's "Rendezvous With Rama".
BaDToaD said:
SONY said:
Why do these fucking threads always go over 3 pages?

Just for info, you have the highest swear word to post ratio of anyone on this forum SONY. A pity really as you seem like an intelligent bloke.
Your inbox is full, so I'll just say it here.

Apologies for my 'recent' (I've only recently been showing aggression in my language since the influx of Pandora newbies members joined the forums) use, and over-use of profanity/bad language.
I've just been angry lately due to the fact that my patience for Pandora's release is wearing thin (yet, the suspense is killing me and my excitement grows?). :(

In the past I used to swear every now and then, but I'd put it in asterix form (****), so that no-one would get offended.
You see, I knew that a swear filter was not available for whatever good or bad reasons.

Anyway, apologies once again if you found it as disgusting behaviour.

Mel Harrington

Sorry for the massive off-topic post. :(
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We should get rid of 18th birthday parties ('Congrats you have turned 18!') and instead have ignorance parties ('Commiserations, you are now ignorant!') as apparently the thing that separates adults from children is whether or not one is ignorant.


Rockthesmurf said:
We should get rid of 18th birthday parties ('Congrats you have turned 18!') and instead have ignorance parties ('Commiserations, you are now ignorant!') as apparently the thing that separates adults from children is whether or not one is ignorant.



some chinese believe on the abolishment of 19th birthday and it shouldnt be even called out.
maybe not by the same cause but close to what you expect.

ill respong to all the last pages next time, gotta go to an appointment. btw im 22 so i would call it the middle
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Do you know I am so bloody proud of this forum sometimes. I don't think I have ever been anywhere else on the internet where some members actually acknowledge and gracefully accept a well informed berating.

Shunun's acceptance of Monk's post actually lifted my spirits and damn near forced a lump to my throat, well done sir. SONY deserves an honourable mention too. Monk, I'd love to buy you a beer! Hell, I'd love to buy you all a beer.
I had to drive to shittingham yesterday, managed to avoid the black on black gang violence by being white, then drove back, didn't get in until late.

Just sat down at my desk, put on some calming music (Paul Hardcastle) and checked my emails, then I checked the forums, and see this thread FFFUUUU....

But anyhow, I the team does not check the forum 24/7 (but we get close no doubt). The cases are finished. They said they think we are going to be really impressed when we see them.

I personally think we just demanded a higher standard of work that they are used to and they had to really put some hours in to match the output of a western factory.

Anyhow, they are ready to roll once we evaluate these, and they are ready to run off the cases before the new year which is good news.
craigix said:
I had to drive to shittingham yesterday, managed to avoid the black on black gang violence by being white, then drove back, didn't get in until late.

Just sat down at my desk, put on some calming music (Paul Hardcastle) and checked my emails

You should have stopped there it's better for your hart ;)

However I apreciate the team frequenting the forums so much :) and I hope the cases will be done before the chinese new year.

It ain't over till its over its finished.

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Admit it, you're going to miss the pressure when this is through
craigix said:
I had to drive to shittingham yesterday, managed to avoid the black on black gang violence by being white, then drove back, didn't get in until late.

...oh dear sad to see 'tabloid' speak on these forums even if for comic effect

/sarcasm alert!/ back to those 'yellow' on 'yellow' case producers!
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