Maybe all forums are like this - drowning in topic drift that make this seasons weather (heavy snow here at times) look like a light autumnal breeze, or maybe I am somehow just drawn to the more personable forums, but (the odd troll aside) I do seem to find myself reading forums where people are real characters, and although having large characters means the odd explosion, it's SO much more rewarding to read than dull, boring, by-the-book Q & As, IMHO. In the mixture of art, wit, technical information, insults slight and severe, even bitter recriminations and dawning realisations, we have here a real miniature version of the world - but without the very worst (famine, weapons of math destruction, serious crime, humerous crime... you name it!). Mostly, it's a real pleasure to be here, isn't it, and read the next chapter in the Pandora story