Issue to update a PND to the repo


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
I have some issues to update PND on the repo.

I tried to update neverball last week, using "upload" and it faild with some short error (that I didn't capture), and now I have just tried to update NetSurf, using "remote" this time, and it faild too (with some issue about icons not beeing present).

Now, it's not really my first PND, and I always use the same script for the packaging, and because it some update and not a new package, a really don't think the package itself is wrong.

When I go to Neverball or Netsurf package on the repo, I see the last update date is the new one. The version shown is also the new one. But the PND itself is still the old one (and the update doesn't show in main repo page). Tha Archive button also act as if the new package is not there.

Also, not sure if it's related or not (probably related), but now NetSurf, wich have 5 stars rating with 4 votes, is not in the TOP RATED app on the main page.

@EvilDragon or @milkshake , can you have a look?

(also, maybe, I should have posted in the "support" area)
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These pnds are not shown at all anymore.
log out from the repo and try to find them, looks like they are disabled.
Edit: No their links are just missing, typing in the url shows the page.
Is the repo fixed?
I think have found another strange bug:
when i expand the section "Package contents" of a PND on the repo, if i click on the website link, is no more opened the link but continue to open the repo page of this pnd.
No, it's still broken.
I did receive a notification for a comment in an app, but I tried to upload again Netsurf, and it errored again.

This time I made a capture of the error (and yes, my pnd do have an icon). If you wan tthe see the PND itslef, it's here:

@milkshake any idea?
The only weirdness I can see is that the icon inside the pnd has its user executable bit set in its permissions, while the other image files don't. Your PXML icon field looks identical to other pnds I've looked at for comparison, and both have a single PNG appended to the end which is the application icon writ rather large.

As far as I remember XML schema, default values should be supplied by the schema, which is supplied by the repo in this instance, so that error suggests something's wrong there.

That said, other PXMLs I've looked at start with a <package> element while yours does not. That could cause the schema validation to fail I suppose, and maybe the first effect of that is finding the icon element has no default. It'd be clearer if it reported the first error but there you go.
package is optionnal. And the icon executable flags comes from me editing it from windows using smb share... Nothing unusual, I have done plenty (like more than 100) of PND in exactly the same way. It's not the PND.

Anyway, for me now, the repo is off, I just have a white page with Service Unavailable.
[QUOTE="ptitSeb, post: 1456008, member: 60640"
Anyway, for me now, the repo is off, I just have a white page with Service Unavailable.
View attachment 32761[/QUOTE]

Not working for me as well.
Hi all :)

Any news from the Repo front ?

EDIT: and @ptitSeb : I can confirm your updated version of NetSurf works like a charm :) Thank you !

Cheers, Magic Sam
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That's because the pnd wasn't uploaded yet.
Now that Evildragon fixed the repo, I have just done that. PNDManager should now see the update.

I was already seeing the update with PNDManager, and even was able to download it, but then remained stuck at 100%, that's why I asked.
Oh, that's an old bug with PNDManager. I forget what causes it or how to fix it, I think last time it happened to me I manually downloaded the pnd and put it in ../pandora/menu (or wherever you want it).
I updated a pnd on the repo (Septerra Core), but the package version didn't change - it should be, but it's showing The application version did change to In PXML both versions are set to