Isn't It Ironic?

  • Thread starter Thread starter codeninja
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Isn't it ironic that many people called Lumines the best PSP game and Geometry Wars the best 360 game? Neither game requires more than SNES or GBA at most, but being prefered by many over more graphically intensive games.

Speaking of wasted hardware power, my favorite DS games such as Castlevania, Meteos, and Advance Wars didn't need more than GBA either, although Viewtiful Joe DS and Metroid Hunters surely justified the hardware features.
have you even played Lumines?? Yeah, i'd like to see that tried on a GBA or SNES. neither has the color capability to do it nor the sound capability.
Angel posted on Feb 5 2006 at 01:43 PM said:
have you even played Lumines?? Yeah, i'd like to see that tried on a GBA or SNES. neither has the color capability to do it nor the sound capability.

If you go literaly, yes, you're right, but I wouldn't say Lumines being impossible on a GBA, either. It'll be close and the gameplay will be intact.

[edit] Just like Bejeweled for 360. It's got crazy amount of particle effects which won't be possible on a GBA, but Bejeweled has been done even on cellphones, you know.
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Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow isn't anywhere near what the GBA could produce. First of all, the music is of a much higher caliber. Also, the levels are much more detailed, as well are the character animations.

You can't just put a game on the GBA because it's 2D. Aria of Sorrow had some of the best graphics and sound the GBA will ever be able to produce, and it's not even close to the overall appearance of DoS.

Did anyone get upset with Symphony of the Night when it came out? Did you hear anyone saying "Oh, this could've been an SNES/Genesis game. I don't really see any improvements."?
iignotus posted on Feb 5 2006 at 03:00 PM said:
You can't just put a game on the GBA because it's 2D. Aria of Sorrow had some of the best graphics and sound the GBA will ever be able to produce, and it's not even close to the overall appearance of DoS.

It's the exact mentality Sony and MS is banking on with their next generation system. As much as I like DoS, there is nothing new about it compared to AoS, just prettier graphics and better audio. IF that's all you want, that'll be all you get.

I guess, I'm more of easily bored type. I loved Fire Emblem, and I didn't care about the sequel. Viewtiful Joe was interesting, while Viewtiful Joe 2 was blah. Zelda: LTTP is my favorite game of all time, but I liked MinishCap barely enough to force me to finish it...and the list goes on and on for me.

[edit] Funny thing is that those who's saying the graphics so important are the same people who couldn't see the difference in graphics between PS2 version and XBox version of the same game. :P
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codeninja, I would say we have very similar tastes in games.

Ok maybe not possibly to produce all the same graphical effects on the GBA or SNES, but certainly the gameplay. These would have been possible on other older gen consoles such as dreamcast, n64, psx, etc. I think codeninjas point was that these games are not selling because of their fancy graphics and sound, they are selling based on their strong game play, and funfactor.
grahf posted on Feb 5 2006 at 09:43 PM said:
codeninja, I would say we have very similar tastes in games.

Ok maybe not possibly to produce all the same graphical effects on the GBA or SNES, but certainly the gameplay. These would have been possible on other older gen consoles such as dreamcast, n64, psx, etc. I think codeninjas point was that these games are not selling because of their fancy graphics and sound, they are selling based on their strong game play, and funfactor.

Thank you, you spoke my mind better than myself. :D
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yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on Feb 5 2006 at 04:12 PM said:
You could put it on GBA but it would probaly wind up being crap
there is already a Lumines clone for gba, and it's far from crap.

It's good to see good old puzzlers on flashy new systems, though. If every game that came out could barely be handled by its system, it'd really limit gameplay variety to the prettiest of 3d genres--it's close enough to that way already.
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That lumines is a greate game dosent reflect poorly on the PSP. it can only help it's reputation as a system with a wide range of potential. From simple games up to full scale console style games on the go.

There's nothing wrong with that.
Alpha2 posted on Feb 6 2006 at 08:02 PM said:
That lumines is a greate game dosent reflect poorly on the PSP. it can only help it's reputation as a system with a wide range of potential. From simple games up to full scale console style games on the go.

There's nothing wrong with that.

When you make 10 millions investing 500k and you make 5 millions investing 5 millions, which one would you take? B)
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depends on the company, Sony knew going in that the PSP was facing an phill battle versus the GBA and possibly even the DS. Movies where their idea to supliment what ever lost income they might see in the gaming area, so that 5million they made could be vastly larger than we think.

Nintendo on the other hand being the smaller company needs every cent they can get.

And frankly to the end consumer the money the company makes is generally irrelivent.
and its also not uncommon for a company to lose money on a product the first year or two. Sony does not have the luxary in its gaming dept. of riding out Gameboy money for 15 years. And you can argue up and down the situation, but the cold hard truth is that the Gameboy line has brought in the most money for Nintendo. The PSP is about a year old and i think its doing Fine, its not doing great, but its getting there.

If you want to really pound the issue about games looking like old 16-bit games, why don't you look at the DS line up. You have Mario and Luigi; partners in time, WHICH I HAVE, and can tell you throughout the entire game, there is nothing the GBA or SNES could not duplicate. You have Star Wars Episode III which looks just as good as any GBA Castlevania game, and i'm sure the puzzle games on the DS could, in your opinion, be SNES or GBA compatible.

I'd actually say the DS, which we know is capable of at least n64 graphics, has the majority of the games that look like GBA/16-bit games.
That may be true about the DS, but most of those games still get great reviews and sell well. Partners in time usually gets 9 out of 10 star reviews. Again, I think that was the point of the thread, that you dont need the lastest flashy graphics to have a great game.
which is absolutely true, but if were going to be critical of the systems, we need to be critical of them all, not just Sony and Microsoft. Lets not be biased in our converstation. :)
Angel posted on Feb 7 2006 at 06:51 AM said:
I'd actually say the DS, which we know is capable of at least n64 graphics, has the majority of the games that look like GBA/16-bit games.

I would take GBA 2d graphics over N64 3d graphics any day of the week. :)
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A personal preferance.

yes, as long as a game is fun to play then graphics shouldnt matter, but there's no shame in having really nice graphics too. Graphic advancement also brings to the place new games styles as well. You couldnt have a game like Katamari Damacy on the SNES, maybe you can have a simple collection style game but lets face it, you could make half the simple games in the world on an atari 2600 but we arnt still using those now are we?