Is This The Xgp

Everything but the first two were new to me. It looks a lot better in the later pictures in my opinion. It will interesting to see how well it does. I have heard rumours that some of its features won't be useable outside of Korea, so I won't be getting one, but it sure is starting to look nice.

Edit: removed the quote with the pictures.
So there are going to be different types ? It seems to be flipping the screen when its in 'handheld' mode with the display flat on the console.
I believe that might be showing two different concepts. One with a concave stick and the buttons in a circular arrangement, and the other with a convex stick and regular style buttons.
I love Type-B most. Both joystick and buttons. Didn't it get more stickers than Type-A? Speaking of which, where's the site with tons of more photos and the video? GPZigi or something?
Argh, it looks like a PSP crossed with an N-Gage with yet another shitty joystick.

When will they learn?
They just made 2 prototypes to let possible customers choose which of them is better. I'm not sure if I remember it correctly but I think the poll ended up with type b as the favourite type.