Is this accurate? €13???

That €13 donation I made looks pretty pale compared to Exophase's donation. Very Generous indeed..
This is now a competition. You must out shine exo and make an even bigger donation
Dont be rediculous. People need their pandoras more than you need food
We now have a new contender in the competition. Show us what your up to...

/me is looking at that right bar on the board main page
Probably time I donated and be a smartarse and beat trashy's currency by 6 cents ;)

Esso: Its your turn! 

Maybe everytime someone gets a warning point they can pay 5 Euro to get rid of it ;)
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So THATs where the money came from. Android sales.

Good on you, Exo
You could sort of say that, although I'm not making any purchases that I'd feel would be financially irresponsible had I not had any income from DraStic (so in other words I'm not really spending or relying on that money)

But I do feel like I owe the Pandora community some thanks for the money earned from that, due to all the help testing and stuff that I got from here.
??? I thought we owe you not you owe us since you gave us free DraStic on pandora.  But you're really awesome :)  
Wow, that is so amazing. Thank you spoon much Exophase, and everyone who can donate. You're really keeping the dream alive. :D
Too much awesomenesses <-- [surprised that spell check didn't even red-line that word :) ]

Serious donations being made, thanks to everyone
A big "AWESOME" in exophase direction, but also to the guys that may not have that much money to spend but still popup on the donator list on a regular basis (like trashy, ingo and a lot of others).