I dont want to sign up on another board, so is the zodica good with its touch screen?
How is the relitivity, and speed of it? I might buy one for that purpose and movies. The gp2x cant run my movies without encoding, it still freezes with my 200mb ones
Anyways... For anyone who has a zodiac, is it any good for drawing on? I just need it for basic digital inking.. I assume it has paint, or something?
Either this.. Or a Sensibly cheap tablet that I can get. I might just go for a 50 dollar tablet on ebay, but I dont know any of its speeds and stuff. The ds is laggy though, Ive tried that before
Anyone got a cheap tablet for under 50bux? Preferably cheap ^^
How is the relitivity, and speed of it? I might buy one for that purpose and movies. The gp2x cant run my movies without encoding, it still freezes with my 200mb ones
Either this.. Or a Sensibly cheap tablet that I can get. I might just go for a 50 dollar tablet on ebay, but I dont know any of its speeds and stuff. The ds is laggy though, Ive tried that before
Anyone got a cheap tablet for under 50bux? Preferably cheap ^^