Is The Gp32 Age Ending?

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Ali D

Still Fresh
Jan 12, 2005

Will programmers move on from the gp32 to the Zodiac, or will the gp32 end out on top?
people have been posting the end of the GP32 because of the Zodiac for at least a year now and it has never happened and it won't happen.
The GP32 will not end any time soon.
Coders willl not ALL move to zodiac.
The GP32 will not end out on top.

Go away.
Ironically the GP32 is more likely to kill off the Zodiac, although both can live in harmony. Despite a good start and a lot of press, the Zodiac hasn't had the same level of support from homebrew developers as the GP32's enjoyed for a variety of reasons. We'll have to wait and see what the future holds, but I'll eat my own pubic hair if the Zodiac 'kills' the GP32.
The gp32 is much more compact and cheaper.

It WILL run genesis and snes roms @ fullspeed with sound someday. So i guess gp32 is the winner
PSP will emulate arcades, SNES, Genesis, Amiga, 3DO, NeoGeo, PSX (!), N64, DC, XBox, PCs, Apples, GP32, GBA, DS, my granny, but above all it will emulate PSP perfectly! So PSP is the real winner!

Please don't say things like "the winner is this one", "the winner is that one"... I think there are no winners in the homebrew scene. There will be more powerful handhelds in the future, but the old systems will always exist (I hope my SMCs will have a long life...): i.e. have you heard about "Grand Theftendo"? A crazy (but amazing) guy is making an appearantly wonderful GTA episode for the NES, and the NES is... how many years old is it?
even after the gp32 scene is dead (a long time), no-ones gona stop me from playing on mine.

Muahahahaha!!! No-one i tell you! No-one! HAHAHAHAAAHAAH!
I can't wait for Grand Theftendo.

The Gp32 can't die unless the Genesis/Megadrive, SNES, NES, Mastersystem, PC Engine etc dies first.
And they haven't died... yet.

asif anything could kill the gp,, ok think about it, 90% of people who have a gp play gb/genisis and old skool games like speccy games, so not even the psp can ruin that as no1 wants to play a full 3d game on the move they should be left at home where you can put volume on high and really feel the action, the gp is purely fun for games which entertain for 3mins during commercial breaks and 2hour train journey, so loong live the gp. and with evil dragons tutorial there will be alot more people learning to code and some( me included) will hopefully move onto the harder C or C++.
anyway, alls well that end well so happy 12 of january everyone
Good lord... I haven't even been a member here that long and I'm already tired of these kinds of threads. It boggles the mind that there are people out there with nothing better to do than start threads that are basically aimed at starting a debate of some sort.

Seriously, comparing the GP, Zodiac, PSP and/or DS is comparing apples to oranges... they are all really, very different systems all intended to do very different things.
Trolls, trolls, everywhere. And learn ENGLISH: kill ARE? console, you mean OUR?

@ Everyone else why do you even bother to type posts trying to defend the GP32 for 2 pages to this guy? the guy is obviously a troll. Don't feed the trolls, all you you should do is tell him to PISS OFF.
I was gonna make a comment about the grammar too :D like as in... why is it that most trolls also dont' seem to know how to speak proper english?
Proper spelling and grammer is assencial to my understandment
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