Is a Ren'py Port Possible?

I looked around the forums and the Repo, and was somewhat suprised to find that no one has ported this yet. It's a Visual Novel Maker, and it's open source. In fact, they already have a Linux port for it. I would port it myself if I knew how...if there's a guide I could use to ffigure it out, that would be great, but I'm kind of a noob... Also, here's a link, saves you a couple clicks by going to Google, haha."
it was ported but an earlier version of it, not the latest one. 

Latest one needs newer system libraries.

Well A.) Where is it? I couldn't find it anywhere, and B.) Is it possible to port over the latest one?
You don"t have ren'py per se but i think there was a game using Ren'py on the repo. I'm not sure which one anymore. 

B.) Yes and no, unless you package the new libraries with the PND, but that would make it huge and there may be certain incompatibilities with the default firmware.
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I did 2 Ren'Py games Digital: A Love Story and don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story

I didn't find many other games that were worth porting, to be honest. There's Katawa Shoujo, but that's tricky because its source has never been released. With the rest, there seems to be a perverse pride in how quicky the author wrote the story (and how shabby the end result is).

I didn't release the engine separately, because each game is dependent of a particular engine version. If you want to make your own games, I'd have thought you'd be better off doing it on a PC.

I'll need to update the PNDs I have done for .next at some point, so if there's any particular novels you want to read on your Pandora, I'll have a go at them too.

EDIT: forgot to mention: there's more visual novels available (made using the ONScripter engine, and ported by ED)
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Okay well, I actually wanted to make my own visual novels, and I thought it'd be cool to make them on the go, but it sounds like even if you did port it over, there would be inconsistencies, and incompatibilities, even within it's own novels, if I understand correctly what you're saying. It is cool to know that I can at least port over the finished result if I ever need to though.