Ioquake2 (cpufreq)


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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I replaced the sdlquake with a better version of ioquake2. everything should work including saves. I also added the shared libs for the addon games.
This is still the sdl soft rendered version.

I also put up a cpufreq app, that lets you set the frequency. I mainly pulled out the code needed from libcastor. Its standalone so it doesnt need any other libraries like libcastor (I initial version I had did need libcastor, but libcastor sets an inital video mode which would mess up games)

My wiz deving has hit a snap I tried to do any fw update and it didnt turn out well. So it may be awhile for any more wiz work.
My wiz deving has hit a snap I tried to do any fw update and it didnt turn out well. So it may be awhile for any more wiz work.
I am probably asking a very very stupid question right now. I downloaded the from the archive and unpacked it and placed on the SD card of my brand new Wiz. But how do I get the game running? I tried to start the gpe file but nothing happens. Do I need to copy the full game on to the Wiz? If so, where do I put it?


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My wiz deving has hit a snap I tried to do any fw update and it didnt turn out well. So it may be awhile for any more wiz work.
It's too bad you replaced the sldquake on the file archive with this one, because the new one doesn't work. Well, at least I can't get it to work. I put the ioquake2 folder on my SD card, and put pak0.pak, pak1.pak, and pak2.pak in the baseq folder. Fired up the q2.gpe file on the Wiz, and got stuck at the Loading... screen.

My Wiz firmware is 1.0.0

The older version played perfectly after a couple of tweaks to the original setup.
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forgeflow posted on May 22 2009 at 05:09 PM) [quote="Pickle posted on May 22 2009 at 11:49 AM said:
I replaced the sdlquake with a better version of ioquake2. everything should work including saves. I also added the shared libs for the addon games.
This is still the sdl soft rendered version.

I also put up a cpufreq app, that lets you set the frequency. I mainly pulled out the code needed from libcastor. Its standalone so it doesnt need any other libraries like libcastor (I initial version I had did need libcastor, but libcastor sets an inital video mode which would mess up games"]

My wiz deving has hit a snap I tried to do any fw update and it didnt turn out well. So it may be awhile for any more wiz work.
It's too bad you replaced the sldquake on the file archive with this one, because the new one doesn't work. Well, at least I can't get it to work. I put the ioquake2 folder on my SD card, and put pak0.pak, pak1.pak, and pak2.pak in the baseq folder. Fired up the q2.gpe file on the Wiz, and got stuck at the Loading... screen.

My Wiz firmware is 1.0.0

The older version played perfectly after a couple of tweaks to the original setup.[/quote]I only have pak0 and pak1
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Pickle posted on May 22 2009 at 05:40 PM said:
I only have pak0 and pak1
I believe pak2.pak is part of the last point release. I'll try removing it... nope, no joy.
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Pickle posted on May 27 2009 at 12:28 AM said:
[orc voice] ok boys fresh meat!

Updated the archive, should work. You guys CAN blame me for it now working before :rolleyes:
Well, it loads up now. However, after selecting 'Game', pressing the up or down direction on the d-pad selects the current difficulty level, meaning i can't select 'load' or 'save', making the ability to save/load a bit pointless. I've also tried changing the controls (I can't). Any suggestions on how to fix this, or do I need to just wait for the next update?

**edit-Turns out pressing ANY button once in the 'GAME' menu selects the current difficulty and starts a new game, meaning I can't back out of the menu.
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Hombre Blanco posted on May 27 2009 at 12:58 AM) [quote="Pickle posted on May 27 2009 at 12:28 AM said:
[orc voice] ok boys fresh meat!

Updated the archive, should work. You guys CAN blame me for it now working before :rolleyes:
Well, it loads up now. However, after selecting 'Game', pressing the up or down direction on the d-pad selects the current difficulty level, meaning i can't select 'load' or 'save', making the ability to save/load a bit pointless. I've also tried changing the controls (I can't"]. Any suggestions on how to fix this, or do I need to just wait for the next update?

**edit-Turns out pressing ANY button once in the 'GAME' menu selects the current difficulty and starts a new game, meaning I can't back out of the menu.[/quote]Yes, ive seen the same problem, I think it may be because ive doubled up some of the keys on a button press. i.e enter will generated enter and the key y
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Nice! This version works.

But I would like to change the controls. Should be possible by adding the binds to the autoexec.cfg, but I dont know what the wiz buttons are mapped to.

Yes, ive seen the same problem, I think it may be because ive doubled up some of the keys on a button press. i.e enter will generated enter and the key y

I guess this means that I have to edit the source code(It isn't available is it?) to setup the controls the way I like.
Esslan posted on May 27 2009 at 03:36 PM said:
Nice! This version works.

But I would like to change the controls. Should be possible by adding the binds to the autoexec.cfg, but I dont know what the wiz buttons are mapped to.

Yes, ive seen the same problem, I think it may be because ive doubled up some of the keys on a button press. i.e enter will generated enter and the key y
I guess this means that I have to edit the source code(It isn't available is it?) to setup the controls the way I like.

You should be able to remap controls from within the game (the control problem may be a problem though)
You dont have to edit the source, if you post what your looking for and its sounds reasonable I can change it.
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Pickle posted on May 27 2009 at 01:50 PM) You should be able to remap controls from within the game (the control problem may be a problem though said:
You dont have to edit the source, if you post what your looking for and its sounds reasonable I can change it.
Are you working on a fix for the "Game" menu? It worked before (SDL Quake 2) - just doesn't work now.
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Well actually the only thing that kinda ruins it for me is the select button being both y and enter.
So if you could make set it up to be only enter that would be great. and map Y to y.

When I think about it the ideal setup for me would be to just set the wiz button to the corresponding keyboard key, i.e Y mapped to y and Right Shoulder button to R and so forth. Its alot easier to make cfg files that mess around with the binds like I plan to do. But maybe set B to n so you can answer no in the menu.

But no need to bother with all this just for me. If you someday have time to map select to enter and y to y i will be happy.
I know you are busy porting a sh#tload of things to both the wiz and pandora :)
Works very well now. The only problem I encountered is, that the progam crashes on exit. Can somebody can confirm this? Any solution?
Pickle posted on May 28 2009 at 01:24 AM said:
new version up, found the control bug and added commands to load the menu with the script.
Now I can select difficulty, but when I select 'load' or 'save', the game crashes to the Wiz menu. :huh:

**edit-If it's working for everyone else, could it be a corrupted save from the first version? I remember I was able to save once, but after that any time I went into save/load the game would crash. Where are the saves stored and how can I delete them?
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Pickle posted on May 27 2009 at 06:24 PM said:
new version up, found the control bug and added commands to load the menu with the script.
Fast work.:) I've run through the first three levels of the game, no issues so far. I ran through the first level of the Ground Zero mission pack, and all seems well there too. One tiny trouble I noticed was that the game crashed if I left the intro video to run through to the end, but the level starts fine if you interrupt the video and just start the level. Probably not a big deal because I don't imagine most people care about the videos (I'm a nerd about "completeness"). I also confirmed that the games save and load properly.

This is awesome.... quake 2 on a handheld! This is VERY cool. Thank you again!
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Quick question - where are the save games and config.cfg files being saved to?
forgeflow posted on May 28 2009 at 12:31 AM said:
Quick question - where are the save games and config.cfg files being saved to?
they should be in the game folder, so for example if you run the normal files they would be in id1.
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