Internet Screwed Up


chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai
Nov 24, 2003
Wrentham, MA
well I know my DSL line is/was 768, but now I'm getting dl rates of 10- kb/s compared to the 100+ I use to get

I ran the test at said I was getting 100-200 kbps(below what is considered broadband) this was making sure both computer with in my network aren't on any p2p porgrams and making sure I had no adware/spyware
I also did what verizon said to do with shutting down my modem for 15 seconds and making sure everything is tightly in and then I got 100-300 kbps

I also noticed shortly after my brother, older, got limewire on the other computer

I also disabled my firewalls

Im going to call verizon tomorrow and if they are no help convince my parents to make my brother uninstall limewire but I was jsut checking here first
Who do you have your DSL with? If it's a BT DSL line (regardless of actual ISP), then you can check your actual DSL line speed using BT's speed tester by logging in with the test account. This will take your ISP out of the equation.
Squidge posted on Aug 23 2005 at 02:33 AM said:
Who do you have your DSL with? If it's a BT DSL line (regardless of actual ISP), then you can check your actual DSL line speed using BT's speed tester by logging in with the test account. This will take your ISP out of the equation.
all I know is that it's verizon, and tropper has a good point

well I tested it last night (2 am)

and teh speeds were some what back to normal, I guess verizon just has WAY TOO many people using there service in my area
EDIT: nice it's been messed up for like a week then when I ask questions it gets fixed *sigh*
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