Internet Radio (Offline Playback)


Retro game fanatic
Oct 3, 2008
Fort Knox, KY. USA
I loves me some internet radio, pandora, slacker, rhapsody, lastfm, etc etc

My heart goes out to slacker for their offline playback "station cacheing" feature for android & blackberry

Seeing how the pandora is a portable device without a 3g connection natively, is there a linux solution for offline streaming internet radio? (minus mp3's collections and the like)
offline streaming?
you mean recording a stream for listening to later?
Mplayer can write a stream to a file which can be played back with any other media player. I use my BeagleBoard to record a friend's radio show off the internet.
WizardStan said:
offline streaming?
you mean recording a stream for listening to later?
Mplayer can write a stream to a file which can be played back with any other media player. I use my BeagleBoard to record a friend's radio show off the internet.
yea... well kinda like that

look here for one example

slacker is just my personal favorite, but there's plenty of other services out there much like it.

what it does is store music for listening later. While recording a stream would work, it would take the same amount of time to record as it does to stream. I can store about 100+ hours in about 5 min with slacker.

a popular feature that these services provide is to customize your playlist based on what you like or dislike as far as particular artists.
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Oh, I get it. Sorry, misunderstood. Sorry, I've never considered saving a station for offline playback, so I can't help you. Sorry.

edit: wow, I'm especially apologetic for some reason today.
I think it's the Streamripper plugin that can accomplish this in Exaile.

I've actually used it myself to save hours of tracks, all named properly and everything! It just adds a little record button onto the standard interface, and tracks are saved in a specified folder, organised by Station (IIRC).

I think Ed is porting Exaile as the default media player for the Pandora.
Jb0yx seems to be talking about something that's provided by the radio, not by the client.

Apparently they let you download music for offline listening, but if it's still under a broadcasting license and not an offline storage license, then there would be some kind of DRM involved, and it could easily be a pain in the ass.

And if this feature is only for android and blackberry cell phones, there's probably not an open-source implementation of the client. But you could try.
lulzfish said:
Jb0yx seems to be talking about something that's provided by the radio, not by the client.

Apparently they let you download music for offline listening, but if it's still under a broadcasting license and not an offline storage license, then there would be some kind of DRM involved, and it could easily be a pain in the ass.

And if this feature is only for android and blackberry cell phones, there's probably not an open-source implementation of the client. But you could try.
I am not asking for one to be made, I'm just wondering if there is something out there I don't know about. I'm not too insanely familiar with linux and didn't know if there was some voodoo out there I wasn't aware of. Figured this would be the best place to ask a linux fan as any.

I'm pretty up to date on all things slacker, I'm also pretty educated in how their program works, codecs etc, and you're right, it would be a huge pain in the ass to try and either port their client from android or break their DRM, and I don't think they would be very happy if you did. It was the other ones I'm not too familiar with Napster, Rhapsody,, Pandora, RadioTime, Live365, Sirius Satellite Radio, Radio IO, MP3tunes.... blah blah blah blah blah (huge freaking list) do any of those offer an offline version that's linux compatable that could be used with the pandora for an "offline mode"

I'm guessing not.

EDIT: one route I'm considering researching is music podcasts, it might fit my needs, might not. But those can be sync'd nightly and are good for probally about an hour of listening each.
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As far as Live365 goes, I don't believe they offer a Linux client of any sort (the site lists only Mac OS X and Windows software), so it's kind of nipped in the bud before even getting as far as offline listening, unfortunately. (It's a shame, as I rather like Retro Arcade Radio, myself. :P )