Interface On The Omap3


Advanced Member
Jul 28, 2008
Wouldn't something like this be the perfect interface for the pandora?
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mcobit said:
Wouldn't something like this be the perfect interface for the pandora?

If I had the money, I'd get The Astonishing Tribe to make a version of it for the Pandora. Sadly, I'm not a millionaire quite yet. :P
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Tobriand said:
Is it me, or does it look a little on the juttery side? Nice interface, though, at least in theory...
Yeah, its certainly on the slow side. I think its a good example of what's possible, but I don't think it's a good interface.
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I like the idea of a plasma ocean full of icons and open applications... very smooth :)

PS, ain't this just mean: :P
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It's a TI demonstration for what can be done on the omap 3430.

I'm sure we could implement it, but the target market is for mobile phone makers trying to create the next big interface.

It'll just be slow and annoying on the Pandora and would quickly be replaced with a icon-grid interface.
It's a really bad example of user interface design. Just a demo of what the hardware can do.
I'm not majorly fond of that as a UI... as mentioned it looks nice but it's functionally very slow. I do think it's more eye candy and research into reinventing the GUI... The resources could be put to much better use in the Pandora GUI and still look pretty(enough)
It looks nice but i'm not sure how usable it would be, though since it's a demo of what can be done with the OMAP3 rather than a new user interface development project, i'm guessing not very.
I think gmenu2x should be the default interface, it works pretty well on the '2x, just needs to be made aware of some new features on the pandora.
ish420 said:
I'm not sure what the gripe is. That UI is awesome. Not that slow at all
Well, personally, I like the idea, though it isn't really that intuitive, which hurts it.

What I don't like is the way they've done it. We already know that the OMAP3430/3530 are absolute powerhouses. Look at the emulator videos, look at the FPU test (which is Quake 2 and does *not* use the 3D hardware). Then look at this.

In those videos, everything runs ultra-quick and it is really obvious that this chip is very next gen indeed.

In the video of this interface, you're getting significant slowdown for something that doesn't look as good as, say, a decently programmed PSP game.

If you're going to do a flashy 3D interface, it absolutely has to be smooth, else it'll just feel dodgy on the actual device. Maybe they just need to turn down the water effect (or, say, replace it with a patio with trees in the distance or similar), or they need to deal with each object more efficiently, or something, but in any event, as it stands, that interface is not suited to the chip it is running on, in the way that it is currently programmed.
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ish420 said:
I'm not sure what the gripe is. That UI is awesome. Not that slow at all
Its biggest failing is that it is a touchscreen-only interface. Any "standard" UI for the Pandora must be navigable with either the touchscreen or game controls.

After that, I have to agree with Tobriand - It is unacceptably slow.
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Chip said:
ish420 said:
I'm not sure what the gripe is. That UI is awesome. Not that slow at all
Its biggest failing is that it is a touchscreen-only interface. Any "standard" UI for the Pandora must be navigable with either the touchscreen or game controls.

After that, I have to agree with Tobriand - It is unacceptably slow.

I was going to comment on the touch-screen only interface, but then I realised that they are developing that GUI for the next gen smart phones... While I hate touchscreen only for a phone (That's why I got an N95 8GB) I didn't think it was a relevent comment since they are developing this for phones... I'd me more welcoming to a primarily touch-screen driven interface on something like the Pandora, however. The key word here is primarily... it should be all about the touch screen :rolleyes:
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