Intended Use Of The Pandora

how are you mainly going to use it?

  • OLD SKOOL pc gaming (doom, quake, HOMM etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HOMEBREW gaming (original IP's from community)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PERSONAL ASSISTANT (calendar, email, documents)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OTHER (something not listed, explain in thread)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

My vote for Other includes:
- The gadget factor. It's a gadget. I'm a gadget whore. Perfect match.
- To show off. No-one else I know will have one.
- To be the centre of attention. Everyone else will want to play with it.
just a general reminder, this poll was for the intended main use of the device. I myself will at least try everything I mentioned, but I see 80%+ of my time playing snes and ps1 games on it. If you will mainly be doing everything I mentioned 100% of the time, then I applaud your multi tasking ability.

I don't want to change the poll now, but media player would have been good to add, just go ahead and throw all those in "other".
Trouble is I'll probably be doing most of it all in equal measure, unless media playing ends up being crappy, it's the only thing that's not been demoed as much as emu stuff. I do remember a few clips being played on it. Oh and for the record I don't expect there to be any problems media playing. Hmmmm.... apart from probably not being able to play my 720p stuff as I'm not going to transcode either down res or to xvid etc. Hopefully dsp will help in the 'just play it' further down the road.
For "Other", I'm thinking "SSH / SSHFS client to my laptop".. I can have my files anywhere on the university LAN without shutting down my laptop and moving it around.
I'll be using my Pandora for just about everything I use my Laptop for except watching HQ videos.

-God Ginrai
It is this or a laptop. Pandora is good because it is small, and battery life, but I might want a laptop for PS2 games.

I also put this would be my main PC.
Also depends how good watching videos is.
Wait for reviews, get 2nd batch.

Other [x]: Would be controlling robots and cameras. It would be neat to do, not that I would though.
I've found that my laptop is not as portable as I'd hoped for, and the fact I need a Graphix tablet to draw my stuff on it makes it very cumbersome and in no way portable. Whilst the stylus sensitivity on the pandora is no way as good as a wacom, it would be great for sketching and pixel art, if I can get good enough pixelart animation tools to use on the pandora I'd use it as a sketchpad/art/animation tool, possibly using Gimp?

With the TV out cable, this would be awesome for live demoing/showing off your sketching skills, just imagine doing this on a 52inch plasma.... or a PROJECTOR.... OMG :D

If the firmware has the upgraded ability to take the new SDXC cards as mentioned in another post this would nullify my need for my laptop for most things, as a Possibility of 4TBs using both SD slots would kick my laptops 160gig HD in the nuts.

MP3 Audio...etc.

Flash hopefully.

The only task I'd need my laptop for would be music as I'm only happy using Ableton live at the moment.

MAME, DC, PSX, PSP, N64 SNES, MEGADRIVE, PCE....etc yes, and definitely yes. So yes I'd tick "other" mostly.
VRAndy said:
I'm not sure how to answer. I guess I could tick all the boxes.

I plan on treating it like a tiny computer I can carry around.
If my desktop is my workbench, then my Pandora will be my swiss army knife.

+1 Couldn't have put it better

atomicthumbs said:
  • Movies
  • Amateur radio
  • Camera buddy (upload from anywhere!)
  • Music
  • :D

Amateur radio, think I found my 'other'. Could definitely be useful for mobile stuff.
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atombat said:
If the firmware has the upgraded ability to take the new SDXC cards as mentioned in another post this would nullify my need for my laptop for most things, as a Possibility of 4TBs using both SD slots would kick my laptops 160gig HD in the nuts.

The thing people always forget when reading "SDXC allows 2TB SD cards" and "$COMPANY making giant fucking SD cards" is that they are expensive as tits.
A conservative estimate says you could buy 20 TB of desktop space for that pair of 2 TB SDXC cards that don't even exist yet.

My laptop has a 320 GB hard drive, I'd be lucky to get a 64GB SD card for the same price.
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Old school emulation, Amiga and Speccy just don't feel right on the GP2X. Possibly use as an MID at work during lunch break etc.
Playing "It came from the desert" while sat on the bog, tell me why this wouldn't be gaming nirvana
The thing people always forget when reading "SDXC allows 2TB SD cards" and "$COMPANY making giant fucking SD cards" is that they are expensive as tits.
A conservative estimate says you could buy 20 TB of desktop space for that pair of 2 TB SDXC cards that don't even exist yet.

Oh yes it would be criminally expensive, extortionate even, but this is in the distant future, I've got a 16gig SD card awaiting my pandora, but anything around 64gig would do me for the next year or 2, buying 32gig cards for me will be a better alternative than buying a portable HD or a new MP3 player/ipod every few years, I can wait for my 4TBs :P

1 SD card for games/music, the other for art, I can just keep keep buying a new SD card for the art as it/if it fills up.
It's expensive now. I remember back years ago I bought my 265MB CF cards for £90 each. Prices come down and it's nice to know that I'll have the capability to fit my entire music collection on my Pandora in future (it's mostly in FLAC).
It's going to be my main computing device, with a set of video goggles and a folding mobile keyboard. I'm also looking at wearable computing and augmented reality.
musicalwoods said:
Hmm, I ticked everything because I plan on using it for all of that. :P
Ah, but all in equal measures? Surely there's one or two things that have got you more excited than the rest, no?
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My plan is to use it to replace my not so portable laptop as much as possible. All I need is a PDF reader and some basic programming tools, and I'll be able to do most of my university work on it.
This has changed a lot since I preordered, when I thought of it as a gaming/video watching device.
fiveseven said:
My plan is to use it to replace my not so portable laptop as much as possible.

Same here. My laptop is a beast, and will just become my desktop replacement when I get my Pandora. Also, because I will only be carrying around my Pandora, it will greatly reduce the strain on my back.

-God Ginrai
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Hoping I can use it as a kind of laptop/portable media player replacement. I'd much rather carry a Pandora in my pocket to places that might have wifi than lug around my laptop bag, and since my Cowon D2 got slightly damp (SO SOON! I HARDLY KNEW YE!) I've been in need of a device to play my music on the go. Even if that doesn't pan out quite the way I'd like, those homebrew games at least look pretty promising, not to mention the vast library of emulators and native Linux games.
I've been holding out on placing an order until some of them actually ship, though.