Intended Use Of The Pandora

how are you mainly going to use it?

  • OLD SKOOL pc gaming (doom, quake, HOMM etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HOMEBREW gaming (original IP's from community)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PERSONAL ASSISTANT (calendar, email, documents)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OTHER (something not listed, explain in thread)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I voted for MOBILE INTERNET DEVICE, but I will also use it for homebrew and emulators.
Esn said:
-using it as an ebook
Oh, definitely something I'm looking forward to. The nice Hi-Res crisp screen is going to be very nice for reading texts.
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Old school, Homebrew and other. Other being creating games. Someone else will be doing the programming while I will handle the artwork.
Retro consoles, computers, and arcade games, homebrew, mobile internet device, and other - except I forgot to actually tick "Other" before I voted. :P

My others are;

Media playback (my music collection and my DVD box-sets).
And, a useful tool for one of my other hobbies, which is sewing. It's going to be incredibly useful to be able to take reference/pattern images with me and match them to fabrics whilst I'm buying materials for a project. The number of times I've needed this is quite high, since printing doesn't cut it. :P
mindlord said:
Oh, definitely something I'm looking forward to. The nice Hi-Res crisp screen is going to be very nice for reading texts.
Unfortunately it will fail in the one place that epaper readers excel: reading outside, in natural light. But otherwise, yes, it will be excellent :)
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WizardStan said:
Unfortunately it will fail in the one place that epaper readers excel: reading outside, in natural light. But otherwise, yes, it will be excellent :)
The Pandora will excel in one place the epaper readers fail: listening to music while reading.

What's this "outside" and "natural light" you speak of? :P
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Does anyone else recognize the irony in asking "Main PC (do not have another PC)" in an internet forum?

I thought it was kind of strange after you mentioned it and started to think of some funny reply, but after I thought about it, some people share their computer with others (family computer), use work PCs and would rather have their "main" computer not be owned by their employer, might have to rely on university PCs, or might be confined to another small PC, like an Eee or something similar. I have a friend who only has an Eee, and my youngest brother shares a PC with my mom at their home. For both of these scenarios, I can see how Pandora could end up being their main PC.
I loooooove this poll, because after I selected all of the things I'm intending to do with my Pandora, I realized I checked them all. :)
True, I originally wanted it for portable SNES/PS1 and web browsing, but it's become so much more than that...Can't wait!
I voted for everything as I didn't watch out for the 'main use'.

I will mainly
  • play games
  • run irc/IM/skype(?) clients
  • play music in the car
  • try to seriously input text using a BT stowaway keyboard for touch-typing
  • surf the interwebs

I'm still not sure yet whether I'll pair it to my phone or get a 2nd simcard and a
UMTS stick. I guess I'll get more battery life out of the second choice. Would have
to see about prices for a second sim...

But generally, THIS still applies.
voted for everything other was as a media player but wasnt sure about programming really... only web coding. didnt count that though really unless someone ports a HTML/CSS text editor with markup colouring.. and a decent FTP app.
Trevsweb said:
didnt count that though really unless someone ports a HTML/CSS text editor with markup colouring.. and a decent FTP app.

I think Kate, SciTE, gedit, and a few others can highlight HTML / CSS, and FTP shouldn't be a problem... What "FTP app" are you using right now?
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Programming on-the-go, composing on-the-go, gaming on-the-go, and most of the reasons others have said (although I'm not so sure about emulation). I mainly want it to help me get better at programming, and to make music. The great thing is that it will be easier to make homebrew on something that open-source than something that is closed source.
Retro gaming seems to fit the best for me. But when the emulators mature, I'll be spending most of my Pandora time with N64, Dreamcast, maybe even DS if some godly programmer decided to write an emulator, or even PSP if JayRayFox continues development.

bumping in case someone missed it first go round, I think someone was wanting to do a paper on the results of this or something similar.

After this just let it die I suppose.