Install application


Aug 12, 2003

I would like to install application from debian for exemple.
How to do it?
Pyra is based on Debian right?
App on debian is deb file.
For exemple there is no web browser installed by default on Pyra. How to install chromium or firefox or chrome?

Thank you
There is a program called synaptic, it is a package manager.
You run synaptic (from the menu I think it is under system or something will check later)
You make sure you are on internet and click something like load or reload package list
Then you can just search for software and right mouse button to select install package.
THen you click the button install packages.

Or what matzesu said :D

or see:
I try to install chromium i mark it and i apply dependencies. Here is the error why?
How to install chromium on sd card i put in second slot?


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I try to install chromium i mark it and i apply dependencies. Here is the error why?
Hmm, that's weird. I'd suggest you check if what it claims about that file is true or not. I might personally expect the lock file not to exist when the repo is unlocked, and only appear when it is locked. Maybe the problem is it's unable to create the lock, and then it actually fails in trying to read it back.
How to install chromium on sd card i put in second slot?
You can't, using synaptic. There is one OS filesystem, and in linux all apps are also part of the linux os. You might be able to string something together using union fses and the like but that's going against the spirit of the OS so it's likely to come back to bite you at some point in the future. If you want an application on an SD card you'll need to wait until someone packages it up as a dbp.
Thank you to answer me.
How to lock and unlock the repo?
Package - Lock
I try like on picture i try to install clicking on apply without luck same problem. How to resolve problem?
Is firefox can be installed without this error?


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Maybe you should try this command line to make sure everything is up-to date so you can go on with Synaptic :
sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade

It will ask for your password (do not fear if nothing is written on the screen while you type it, no * or anything, that's okay)
It will take a while but then your system will be updated, and Synaptic might run better when this is finished.

Good luck !
Maybe you should try this command line to make sure everything is up-to date so you can go on with Synaptic :
I'm not sure what dist-upgrade does if you're already on the latest stable debian, but I'd advise you to use plain apt upgrade in normal use and only use dist-upgrade when you mean to.
Try going to the console and become root, then:
D=/var/cache/apt/archives ; mkdir -p $D ; chmod 777 $D
maybe the directory to create a lock file does not exist? (or maybe it DOES exist but there is too few rights to create a lock file there? (That's what the chmod does)
It work now. Thank you. Chromium installed.
Anybody try desmume or dolphin emu on Pyra?
You think it will work at full speed?
I try youtube on chromium. When i load video it lag sound and video why?


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I think thenext step is to wait for video acceleration to be implemented on the Pyra. If you have any development skill, you are welcome to join the team I suppose (I am not part of it, just to make things clear, I don't have a Pyra yet and will have to wait a bit more, probably an extra Two Months (TM))
Yes, first apt udate && apt upgrade and it works. I guess, I will use the cli and apt anyways like usually. (No real need for synaptic for me).
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Sorry for asking the same question again. But I have the same problem as trevormarco. So I started the terminal (I tried "XTerm" and the MATE-Terminal) but I can not enter the USR password....(I type on the keyboard but nothing happens) What can I do?

I can type in the "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade" then the terminal says (in German):

"Wir gehen davon aus, dass der lokale Systemadministrator Ihnen die Regeln erklärt hat. Normalerweise läuft es auf drei Regeln hinaus:

#1) Respektieren Sie die Privatsphäre anderer.
#2) Denken Sie nach, bevor Sie tippen.
#3) Mit großer Macht kommt große Verantwortung.

[sudo] Passwort für USR*: "

*instead of USR there is my real Username

If I try to enter "D=/var/cache/apt/archives ; mkdir -p $D ; chmod 777 $D"
It is not working because of USR rights (see attached picture).... How do I become root?

Sorry for the questions I am not used to linux.


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Was zum fick bist du tuend?
Nein ernsthaft, erklär mal ausführlich was du vorhast weil nichts in dieser Frage Sinn ergibt.
Also genau wie trevormacro kann ich im Paketmanager keine Programme installieren und bekomme so ne Aussagen wie (siehe Bilder - bei ihm war es auch so siehe das zweite Bild im Posting #6). Daher habe ich die Befehle in der Konsole ausprobiert. Aber bei meiner Pyra tut sich nix. Ich kann kein Update machen und keinen Browser installieren etc..


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