Infinite opportunities


Still Fresh
May 23, 2011

So, it has arrived. i’ve decided to write this entirely on the Pandora, and thereby time the typing-capabilities of this versatile and wonderful device. Keep in mind, I’m from Denmark, thus a few typos might slip through.

A couple of years back I bought a DS, in the hopes of playing a lot of the console games I’d never had the chance to play, but as I soon learned, the games on the DS feel, like the Wii, very gimmicky, and really lack the longevity of the classics of my youth. Thus my DS ended up on a shelf for several monhs all but forgotten, ‘til I finally decided to get rid of it. This lack of stamina has been one of the off-putting elements of getting another handheld, from my perspective, and one of the reasons I considered not getting this. Had the Pandora only been a handheld console I probably wouldn’t have bought it, but the fact is, that this is probably the most versatile thing since the Swiss army knife. Why, right now I’m listening to The Knife on my porch, while doing a little surfing and writing this review. Thus I really don’t think this will suffer the same fate as my DS.

I bought my copy from a secondhand seller who’d had it about a week, but the device was in nigh perfect shape when i received it. The build appears to be great on this Pandora, though the right trigger is a little loose. Which is, however, hardly an issue, as long as I can turn it upside down without it lolling back and forth. The screen is excellent, though some ghosting does appear in older, darker games, like Golden Axe. Furthermore the speakers play a little worse than i expected, but the output through external speakers or microphones is impeccable, so that isn’t really an issue.

I haven’t had the patience to play through any particular games yet, though Killer Instinct on the fly is pretty great. I even got a friend to finally give Final Fantasy VII a chance on it, which he played for 5 hours yesterday. Which brings me to the second greatest thing about this beauty, its battery life. Holy cow, is it impressive. Between 10 and 11 hours is a long time of constant use. Of course, I burn through it once a day at the moment, but in time it’ll last a couple of days, easily.

The uses of this thing really is amazing and I’ve been finding more and more with each day. I can truly and sincerely applaud the OPT and Community in no small measure. Personally I’m pretty much nothing but an end-user, but I will be spreading the word to everyone standing in my vicinity long enough. And help by rating Apps, of course.

Thanks for reading my hyped ramblings.

Peace and Pandora.

PS: 40 minutes.

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Thanks. Who could have known being cursed would feel this good!
Glad to see another positive review. :)

Btw, did you type it in a text editor of some sort before putting it here? I noticed a lot of formatting tags in your post that I'd never seen here before.

but the output through external speakers or microphones is impeccable
I just thought this typo was funny. :lol:
Late reply, I know, sorry. Yeah, I wrote it all in AbiWord before pasting it here. It was hell getting it right here, though...

D'oh... Headphones. Because I'm an asshat.