Import tax? :S


Still Fresh
May 15, 2003
Hey all...
After reading about the GP32, its definitely something I want to be a part of... but i'm not sure about something..
I'm in the UK and want to order a GP32 (with backlight) online, but using Paypal money... unfortunately my first choice, GBAx, is out of the question then. So, if I order from, would I be need to pay anymore on top of the product itself and the UPS delivery charge? I keep reading things about import tax and such but i'm not sure if it would apply to me or not, and if so, how severely?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Swiss_Cheeseman, ouch, sorry to hear that. Austrailia rocks BTW.

GBAx really should ad PayPal if they don't have it. It's easy and simple to set up.

Can't say about TAX, I paid nothing extra to get mine (I am from U.S.A.)
Yes, it would...
Its usually around £40 if you include VAT - so actually nearer £23 (as a £100 order --> +17.5% = £117.5 + import tax --> ~£145)

You can avoid it if you order from GBAX - although you still have to pay VAT. Or possibly if you order from Lik-Sang Europe (but that may not be a separate company yet)

Basically, you have to pay it if you're importing it from outside the EU; otherwise, you only have to pay VAT.
Some companies will help you by putting a lower value on the package. That way you don´t have to pay that much tax or in most cases nothing at all. I believe Lik-Sang doesn´t do this but play-asia did it on my order. I ordered a GP32+game+some dreamcast stuff and the box said $44-sample, so no tax for me :D
Lik-Sang USED to undervalue stuff, but they don't anymore. If you live in Australia, DON'T order through Lik-Sang for anything big. I've stopped ordering through them completely just because of that and because they don't label the items 'Gift', they label it 'Video Game Merchandise' or whatnot now, which coming from HK, birthplace of most pirate technology, probably means instant inspection. All other shops I've used have had no such problem - I personally order from AI Trading exclusively everytime now. It's the only company I've never had a single problem with (in fact, they're well above par in speed, service and efficiency too). I dunno if they sell GP32's though!

In short: If you live in Australia, just avoid Lik-Sang. Since they closed their Westpac account, there's absolutely no reason to use them. Except if you like paying import duties.
I ordered a GBA from Lik-Sang when they where 1st out (and not available in the UK).

From memory I paid around £70/£80 for the console & got hit around £30 Import Tax :(

I only use them now for smaller items......
Any chance of setting up paypal for people craig? or it it too expensive?

Also, EddCoates, if you're using paypal, then sureley you have some form of credit/debit card you can use?
I ordered thru play asia, they did the right thing and put the all the paper work on the box. I've shipped stuff in from overseas before, and never paid import, but this time UPS rang me and slugged me with the 80$ (I'm in Australia too). I wasn't overjoyed, but its to be expected.

Lately I've noticed the left sholder button is a little dodgey, and has a definate difference in the 'click' sound from the right sholder button. Given that the GP is still in warranty I've considered sending it back for repair/replacement.

I'd expect I'll be paying for shipping both ways, but will i get hit for import again? Also has anyone got any experience with returns thru play-asia, are they quick ? I don't know how I'll go without it for an extended period of time. <_<

I'm assuming not, but if I comes down to that 80$ again I might rethink it and try and fix it myself.
Australia can be a really bad place to import into if you're not careful. I got slugged $400 for $1000 worth of stuff once, and that was, it'd probably be considerably more!

I remember someone on another thread saying that all the wierd things that happen to shoulder buttons are usually cos a harmless bit of plastic snapped off inside, or something. Apparently it's easy to fix. But don't blame me if I'm lying/wrong!
Most places won't touch Paypal because when someone sends you money, Paypal themselves take a HUGE bite out of it. If companies like GBAX had the option of keeping it just credit/debit cards only, I think they'd take it, as the charges are much, much less.

As Axeman pointed out - Why don't you just download the money into your account? They only charge 50p for that (no matter the amount) then you could just pay with your card.

Myself, I wouldn't recommend ordering hardware from overseas. I got stung with my GBA that I ordered from Lik-Sang and it's put me off importing machines. Software slips through the customs net ok.
I dont have a credit card yet.. using my mums lol. The Paypal money was made from doing a bit of webdesign, so unless I can somehow transfer it to NoChex, theres not a chance :(
I also ordered from Lik-Sang and live in the US, and did NOT get hit with any additional charges. This was maybe 3 months ago. By the sounds of things, probably just got lucky :)
just ask them to send it as: gift (you know, the field where you have to check the parcel type)
you don't pay nothing then. atleast here in hungary ;)
