Aussie GP32 owners


Still Fresh
Apr 17, 2003
Hey guys I have been looking to purchase a GP32 for awhile but I'm not sure which shop is the better place to buy from.

I've had a look around and our Aussie dollar seems stronger in South Korea so Entware is looking good especially with the price of the SMCs.

However I'm a bit worried about the import tax that I will encounter. So would you guys please inform me about which store you found to be the best and how much import tax you encountered.

I wouldn't worry too much about the imort tax as, more often than not (from what I have heard), they mark the price on the box just bellow the tax cut-off point :D
i dont understand, i was never charged an import tax. they said if it was over 200dollars i would have to pay a "duty" but it wasnt. (i live in usa by the way...hey that rhymed)
hi keneda, great to see another Aussie joining the GP32 community.

I originally ordered my unit from Lik-Sang, just over a year ago. The biggest problem with doing this was that i chose to get the unit shipped via UPS (united postal service), and because of this i was hit with a hefty import tax and shipping fee's ($90 worth). The reason for this is because when Lik-Sang ship with UPS, they DONT mark the parcel as a gift but instead mark it as merchandise. My suggestion is that if you're considering ordering with Lik-Sang then choose another delivery method, it might take a bit longer but you wont have to pay the large fee's once it arrives at Sydney airport.

As for Entware, I'm not sure what their service is like from a personal experience, but i have heard only good stuff about ordering with them.

no matter where you order from the customs fee will generally be anywhere from $50 and under, just make sure you dont order with UPS which will take the cost up close to $100.

You might also find some information at

At the time I ordered; entware wasn't repling to my emails. So I ordered from play-asia.

Being an impatient bastard, I shipped via UPS. After a day or two I got a call from UPS asking me for ~80$ AUD for duty / GST. I was bit nieve and honestly wasn't expecting it, but by the next day the gp had arrived so it I got over it pretty quick.

Since then I've done a little research, if the parcel has one of those 'invoice enclosed' plastic pockets on it, there's a good chance someone is going to check it and hit you for duty. I've ordered stuff from overseas before (usually ebay stuff) and had never been charged, I guess because the parcels weren't as 'offical' looking. Some people say shipping by post will avoid it.

I suppose that's fair enough though, and despite the unexpected additional 80$ the gp32 was worth every penny...

Maybe if you know someone traveling to Asia you could get them to buy you one and then sneak it through customs by gaffa taping it to their chest? (If so, let me know, theres half a dozen things I want to get from HK. Naturally, I'll cover the cost of the gaffa) ;)

What we need in Australia is a local reseller. Maybe Craigix could move here and set up shop? :P
I wouldn't mind selling the units, but i'd need the time to process and ship everyone's orders. Plus, i wouldn't know where to begin when it comes to setting up an established service.
Thanks for all your replies guys. I really appreciate it.

When I order my GP32 I most probably will order from Entware, I plan on getting 1 x GP32 Flu unit, 1 x carry case & 2 x 128mb.

Since I'm still not really sure about the import TAX I may encounter I'm gonna try sending Entware an email and see what they say. Since they use EMS shipping the products TAX may be quite different.

I'll let ya know what happens with the email...

Thanks again guys


I got carged 80 bucks customs =/

Maybe would work out better?
Yeah I would love to buy from GBAX because of the good service Craig offers to the GP32 community. However the SMCs are a bit to expensive when compared to that of entware.