I'm Squeezing a Raspberry pi3 into a Neogeo Pocket


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2015
So, I'm trying to squeeze a Raspberry pi 3 into a Neogeo Pocket. I know it wont be easy but I'm giving it a try. You can follow my progress or (preferably) collaborate on my Hackaday Page and contribute on my Patreon page as well https://hackaday.io/project/12751-neogeo-pi3

This one may sound silly but it would help a lot... https://www.patreon.com/Kev_os

I hope you like this. I'll appreciate any help, specially when it comes to programming the teensy 3.2 to work with the keyboard/mouse configuration specifically using the blackberry trackball breakout board.

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I don't see the pi3, battery, cables, etc fitting in that NGPC but: best luck to you.
That is a hint to the next project, rpi in a dog.

I might have overread it but i cant see a price tag, what have you paid for all the parts?

I wonder what the teensy is for, the rpi already has gpios, is there any benefit in using an extra chip?
Why not consider a Pi Zero? It has a much smaller footprint
I wonder what the teensy is for, the rpi already has gpios, is there any benefit in using an extra chip?
I assume so they dpad/buttons can directly be mapped to keyboard input so the software doesn't need to be changed, but that's a guess on my part
I don't see the pi3, battery, cables, etc fitting in that NGPC but: best luck to you.
Once you desolder the ethernet & USB ports you get a pretty slim Rpi3 and you can add a suitable type of wire to re connect the ports you previously removed and place those ports wherever you need them. If that's not enough for your application, you can even desolder the HDMI, camera and display ports. This last option is something I'm trying to avoid at all costs since there is no way I can reconnect them manually using wires and cheap tools. I really want HDMI on this thing.
Why not consider a Pi Zero? It has a much smaller footprint
I assume so they dpad/buttons can directly be mapped to keyboard input so the software doesn't need to be changed, but that's a guess on my part
you're absolutely right. a Pi zero is perfect for the job I even recomended that in my patreon description, the thing is that it would be too easy(not boring but easy) I find that working with the Pi3 is a lot more exciting just because it sound kind of ilogical at first glance.
...and yes, you're also right about why I'm using the teensy. another reason is that I want to leave the remaining Gpios free and accesible for other stuff I may like to play around if I manage to make enogh room.