I'm Sorry If This Has Been Asked 10000000 Times Before....


Still Fresh
Mar 1, 2008
I am 2200-2300 in the queue and have made several estimates of my pandora's arrival ever since I pre-ordered. I was sure of my last estimate (June 1-5) until the volcano erupted, the rest of the cases started taking a while to be ordered....etc

So I've cracked. I'm tired of figuring out these things out for myself. Right now things are so weird that I can't really get what's happening anymore. So it's time I start asking questions.

1. How many boards are in the UK now PERIOD and how long will it take for them to get my board in hand?

2. When are they getting the rest of the cases and how long will it take for them to get mine in hand?

3. BIG QUESTION. Judging by how things are going now, WHEN AM I GETTING MY PANDORA?????

......*sigh* Cracked moment over. ^_^
there were 700 boards in UK and 1000 cases

From these 700 about 400-500 were done and we thought over past week, with the remaining units to be sent over this week and next - remember that these units would be split across faith and ED's store as well - some estimates suggested that it would be 500-600 off craigs list and the remainder off ED's and Faith's

Next week another 500 boards are supposed to arrive, with cases to come later on for remaining 3000 units

Your like the rest of us waiting for the tweaks to go into case's, ED did update the openpandora blog with more info last week http://www.open-pandora.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=2&Itemid=2&lang=en but this may be a little out of date as it suggested only 60 units got shipped.

Honestly it will take a while yet - the PCB assembly does not seem to be happening at full throttle for a start my guess was that the board population got stopped when the wifi issue came up and they are awaiting a restart - its no way as fast as first believed - probably due to testing changes as well - this was the one area i expected them to be quicker on

The case's - the history with the chinese fuctory performance says it all

I'm at 900-1000 and can probably say it will be about another 2 more months yet - so if your at 2,200 + - it has to be 2months and then some!
RajTakhar, thanks for that it's really helped me try to figure out what's going on. I know my situation isn't as bad as yours (I'm in the 450-550 range) but I really need to see mine soon or cancel and invest elsewhere, so knowing if there is a good chance of it getting shipped this month changes how I have to start planning.

Still, of those original units to be sent it seems like it's a total mystery to find out how those are being divided between the stores. More then that, it's clear of those initial boards some weren't 100%:

Also, from the sound of things I think some preorderers were able to skip ahead in the queue by helping build Pandora's. Which makes me curious.
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RajTakhar said:
The case's - the history with the chinese fuc[k]tory performance says it all

Couldn't have said it better myself. If you ask me (and I'm just a random lurker so you didn't), the cases are going to be the bottle neck for units 1001-4000. I sincerely hope they get them by the end of the month. But seriously, I'm sure it'll be two.
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I'm sure it will be more then cases, as they don't (currently) have enough boards to use all the cases currently in possession.
Drak said:
You'll probably get yours in 2 months or so

2 months is not acceptable for me , I'm in the 2000 /2500 range too but if i have to wait ANOTHER 2 month for my pandora then I'm really gonna get crazy here -___- :(

WHY o WHY is this happening XD :unsure:

I Wish i could help somehow , get the cases myself XD :P
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I'd really like to think the first 1000 would be done before the end of the month. If they get the boards this week as was suggested last week after the "ran out of boards" comment sprang up, and they have still have cases it would take maybe another 2 weeks to burn through those boards and mail out another 300 Pandoras, maybe even less.

As for the rest of the 3000, it all depends on the respective factories as more work is being left to them to speed up the build process once they get to the Town hall. and it's not just The chinese factory you have to worry about it's the Texas board assembly plant too, and those volcanoes never actually stopped erupting did they? They just quieted down a little.
:angry2: That's it. Whoever says "2 months" next gets a ninja sent on them. :ph34r:

Thanks for the quick replies, though. I didn't expect to get any that quickly. Let's keep this train rolling though, as I'm sure this topic, progressing as it is now, will be helping more people than me for sure. ;)
Well, the biggest factor are the rest of the 3000 cases.
Already ordered AFAIK, and as soon as they appear we get them we can start building and make time estimates.
Thanks for the news Ed, though that really doesn't leave me at ease considering how long the other cases took to arrive.
Can I ask for even a rough estimate for the arrival of the remaining cases?

A month? two months? a year?

Have the injection moulders even given you a rough timeline?
I was going to make a 'post your probably unreasonable questions about assembly' thread, but I guess this will do.

No one has said how many workers will be working on assembly. ED, Fatih, and MWeston all have real lives to fly back to, I think they are already back in their respective countries. As far as we know, this leaves a twitching craigix assembling pandoras 24 hours a day.

Also I wouldn't mind knowing who will be working on the assembly line. This initial push was done mostly by developers, but a few fans have spent a day on the job. I think the few QC issues we have heard might be due to the general inexperience of some on the assembly line, like Prometheus missing a light-pipe. Then again, they might be pro by the time they get to my 2000 unit. But if they keep having fans work for just one day, and that is the manpower behind assembly, then that learned experience is lost.
roberthoward45 said:
waa :(

I am sad and tired of waiting

It is a shame that things take time to happen.
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i am 350-450er, hell i am tired of waiting, i keep telling myself i have waited this long, i can wait a bit longer. i think the best thing to do is to try and forget about the pandora for a bit, and just one day soon that elusive email will turn up in your inbox :)