I'm Sorry.. But The Gp2x Just Plain Suck0rz


Dec 1, 2005
Yep... It just plain sucx0rz away all my free time.

What with great MAME emulation, atari 7800, atari 130xe, atari lynx, atari ST, atari 2600 (with a few quirks). All full speed! And this is only just the beginning.

Now if the 16-bit emu's could get kicking then it could only get worst.

Say bye bye to my free time.... And my poor rechargeable batteries are getting the life sucx0red right on out of them.

Please note. These comments reflect the opinion of the author and in no way reflect the opinions of the overall GP2X community.

Nice one ... :P

It sucks for sure ... I play mine so much, I've worn a shiny spot around the buttons ... now it looks ugly; as if I just ate a plate of greasy fried chicken and didn't wash my hands first :(

I was sensing a good flaming when I first saw that topic...

My only complaint with the 2x is the joystick while playing tetris or other games that need precise movement...I always accidentaly hit a diagonal when trying to just push down, and my Tetris piece goes in the wrong spot...uuuuuuhhhggg....

But otherwise, DrMDx (sonic of course, battletoads, kid chameleon, turtles, megaman...the list goes on) , Squidgsnes (zelda...need i say more?), gp2xengine (DraculaX), gngeo2x (metal slug), nknes2x (tetris, super mario 1, and other misc. games that work full speed right now), too bad my tv-out cable is crap, I've just been too lazy to send it in for a replacement, then I'd never put the stupid thing down in my free time. Once there is keyboard support and a text editor with keyboard support...and I make a makeshift stand or someone manufatures one...i'll never put it down...
Hanz™ posted on Feb 9 2006 at 01:37 AM said:
Haha. I was about to accuse you of being a troll.

i can't help but think that comment was directed towards me, even though i cant see at all why?
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TelcoLou posted on Feb 8 2006 at 08:26 PM said:

Nice one ... :P

It sucks for sure ... I play mine so much, I've worn a shiny spot around the buttons ... now it looks ugly; as if I just ate a plate of greasy fried chicken and didn't wash my hands first :(
LOL Telco I thought I was alone there but misery likes company :D. Mine isnt too bad but then again I dont think I play it as much as you do. Maybe it's the inevitable?

Jester posted on Feb 8 2006 at 08:32 PM said:
Looooool made me laugh hehe :lol: I was about to get all irritated as well lol.
Ill join the list in thinking that too :lol:
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Oddly enough I was just about to say that I'm kinda getting used to the stick. Maybe I'm just having a good day today. :lol:

SquidgeSNES, DrMD, and PcEngine emulation are not quite were I would like to be. But I figured it is only a matter of time. Just amounts to the programmers figuring out some of the idiosyncrancies of the GP2X and OS setup.

It's certainly gonna surpass the PSP. I think Sony has pretty much managed to ruin homebrew on that due to their firmware updates. Things have pretty much slowed to a crawl on that front.
Paradox posted on Feb 9 2006 at 02:42 AM said:
Hanz™ posted on Feb 9 2006 at 01:37 AM said:
Haha. I was about to accuse you of being a troll.

i can't help but think that comment was directed towards me, even though i cant see at all why?
Er. No?! :blink:
I was about to call the guy a troll because he was saying the GP2X sucked in a GP2X forum (attention-seeking), and then reaslised he was having a laugh.
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Greenchili posted on Feb 8 2006 at 08:07 PM said:
SquidgeSNES, DrMD, and PcEngine emulation are not quite were I would like to be. But I figured it is only a matter of time. Just amounts to the programmers figuring out some of the idiosyncrancies of the GP2X and OS setup.
Whats wrong with DrMD?!?!
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Claym99 posted on Feb 9 2006 at 06:20 AM said:
Greenchili posted on Feb 8 2006 at 08:07 PM said:
SquidgeSNES, DrMD, and PcEngine emulation are not quite were I would like to be. But I figured it is only a matter of time. Just amounts to the programmers figuring out some of the idiosyncrancies of the GP2X and OS setup.
Whats wrong with DrMD?!?!
Pauses for a very small ammount every now and again?
Btw where is Reesy - he apparently has been on the board, but he hasn't made a post for months?
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Claym99 posted on Feb 9 2006 at 12:20 AM said:
Greenchili posted on Feb 8 2006 at 08:07 PM said:
SquidgeSNES, DrMD, and PcEngine emulation are not quite were I would like to be. But I figured it is only a matter of time. Just amounts to the programmers figuring out some of the idiosyncrancies of the GP2X and OS setup.
Whats wrong with DrMD?!?!

It just has a few quirks. And I know this may sound odd but it does not seem to perform as well as it should given the clock speed the GP2X is running at. I chalk it up to GP2X specific issues (like non-cached RAM above the 32k mark). Or was that 64k?

I've noticed the same about a couple other emulators that technically should be performing much better on the GP2X but arent. No biggies. Just know that these emu's could be much, much, better. ;) Considering the amount of headroom we have on the GP2X compared to the GP32.
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Claym99 posted on Feb 9 2006 at 06:20 AM said:
Whats wrong with DrMD?!?!
It doesn't play two of my favourite megadrive RPGs properly. Buck Rogers: Countdown To Doomsday and D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun are imssing graphics layers (meanus, portraits and the like).

I hope it's just the raster interrupt problem (like the water in sonic) that Reesy is planning to fix once he can bypass linux or we can fix the cause of it directly in linux.
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FWIW normally I do not resort to such cheap tactics (as this thread). But after seeing some of the whining and just thoroughly enjoying my GP2X that night too the point I went thru three sets of batteries.

I just couldn't help myself. Plus this is the first console/handheld that I've seen MESS ported over to so quickly. Sure they did it with the a7800 emu on the dreamcast. But this one is different and it supports coleco, odyssey, and TI99.

MAME is also a sight to behold (unlike the PSP version). It's functional and pretty much full speed for alot of the early 80's classics. Not an easy feat with MAME. But it'd sure be nice if they added sample support and better scaling.

Lynx emulation is full speed with sound (only seen on xbox). Atari 800 emulation as well and the new one adds some really nice features. The GP32 one was nice but didn't always run full speed. The dreamcast one is the only other decent incarnation.

First handheld to have decent 2600 emulation. :D

Cool game music player. Just needs to support a few more formats.

So I couldn't just help myself. It should be pretty obvious I'm pretty old school. Of course then there is the PS1 emulator in the works. I'll probably be getting around to more modern systems eventually but I've been too busy just enjoying those.

I'm still a little puzzled by their choice of connectors for the TV adaptor though. They are all like completely backwards from what I would expect. I had to go out and get an adapter just for the svideo thingie.. :lol:
Hanz™ posted on Feb 9 2006 at 04:00 AM said:
Paradox posted on Feb 9 2006 at 02:42 AM said:
Hanz™ posted on Feb 9 2006 at 01:37 AM said:
Haha. I was about to accuse you of being a troll.

i can't help but think that comment was directed towards me, even though i cant see at all why?
Er. No?! :blink:
I was about to call the guy a troll because he was saying the GP2X sucked in a GP2X forum (attention-seeking), and then reaslised he was having a laugh.

I guess Paradox should change his name to Paranoid.....
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Hanz™ posted on Feb 9 2006 at 04:00 AM said:
Paradox posted on Feb 9 2006 at 02:42 AM said:
Hanz™ posted on Feb 9 2006 at 01:37 AM said:
Haha. I was about to accuse you of being a troll.

i can't help but think that comment was directed towards me, even though i cant see at all why?
Er. No?! :blink:
I was about to call the guy a troll because he was saying the GP2X sucked in a GP2X forum (attention-seeking), and then reaslised he was having a laugh.

yeah, but the way you worded what you said made it look like it was to last poster (ie me)
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