I Have Reached My Triumphant Goal!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kalisiin
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I have 1,002 good games on my Dingoo now. By this, I mean, games I will actually play...not just "games I have on there, just to have them."

Of course, not all are like favorites, but they're all good games I'm likely to try playing at some point.

I'm going to set up my second Dingoo with just the faves.

Anyway, this is what I have, by emulated system

I have 8 of the .app built-in games left (I only kept the good ones, and dumped the crappy ones)
I have 10 of the .jgc (GBA built-in games) left...again, I dumped the crappy ones
I have 3 games in Dingux, all the other pre-loaded games that didn't work, or I didn't like, I dumped.

In addition to those 21 games I have:

Atari Lynx = 20
Atari 2600 = 56
Atari 7800 = 18
Colecovision = 32
Gameboy = 71
GBC = 64
GBA = 68
Homebrew GBA games = 15 (only the very best made the cut, none of the lame ones)
NES = 101
SNES = 62
NEO-GEO = 4 (the ones I couldn't make run on FBA)
CPS2 = 3 (the ones I could not make run on (FBA)
PC Engine = 41
SEGA GameGear = 35
Genesis = 83
Master System = 42
MAME = 243
FBA = 23

and a partridge in a pear tree!!! :lol:

Anyways, that makes 1,002 games I like and may actually play, on my Dingoo. I'm thinking that my "faves only" Dingoo will have about 250, maybe 300.
Kalisiin said:
Homebrew GBA games = 15 (only the very best made the cut, none of the lame ones)

What's the 15 best homebrew GBA games?
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bnolsen said:
Kalisiin said:
Homebrew GBA games = 15 (only the very best made the cut, none of the lame ones)

What's the 15 best homebrew GBA games?
Actually, I upped it now to 29...I found a bunch more really good homebrews.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post where I got them, even though the site is all LEGAL ROMS, because all the ROMS hosted there have been approved by the authors to have them there. I could list the names of all 29 if you really want...well, most of them, since a few of them were hosted in places other than where I got 90 percent of them.
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Kalisiin said:
I Have Reached My Triumphant Goal! Over 1,000 Games On My Dingoo!!

Uhmmm...mate~ I reached that goal in the first 5 minutes of getting a Dingoo.
On my second day, I had 5000+ games on it.
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SONY said:
Kalisiin said:
I Have Reached My Triumphant Goal! Over 1,000 Games On My Dingoo!!

Uhmmm...mate~ I reached that goal in the first 5 minutes of getting a Dingoo.
On my second day, I had 5000+ games on it.

I could have 5,000 games, too...if I wanted it that way. I am SELECTIVE about what games I put on...I don't just put games on there, just to have them. If I don't like the game, if I'm not likely to play it...it doesn't go on.

Anyone could just jam 5,000 crappy games on there, but there's time involved in being more selective. and actually trying out the games, to make sure A - they actually work, and B - I actually like, and might play again, the game in question...before it goes on.

Later, I'm going to pare it down and put only the best of the best on a backup Dingoo, and that will be the one I carry around, I expect it will have maybe 300-400 actual games. All four of my Dingoo's, of course, will have all my music files (all in Vorbis format.)
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Way to come off like a total dick just because someone is happy with things on their Dingoo.
Nice work.

That's some top-notch elitist snobbery right there.

Is there something WRONG or some how INAPPROPRIATE with someone being enthusiastic about their Dingoo and gaming collection and posting it in the Dingoo section?

Because you act like there's a problem here, or would like there to be.

Kalisiin, it sounds like you are putting an awesome collection together and truly love the Dingoo.
Congrats on the collection.

If you see any really stellar home brew I for one am interested in hearing about it.
(If no one else is then they'll have TWO of us to kick around. :P )
strider_mt2k said:
Way to come off like a total dick just because someone is happy with things on their Dingoo.
Nice work.

That's some top-notch elitist snobbery right there.

Is there something WRONG or some how INAPPROPRIATE with someone being enthusiastic about their Dingoo and gaming collection and posting it in the Dingoo section?

Because you act like there's a problem here, or would like there to be.

Kalisiin, it sounds like you are putting an awesome collection together and truly love the Dingoo.
Congrats on the collection.

If you see any really stellar home brew I for one am interested in hearing about it.
(If no one else is then they'll have TWO of us to kick around. :P )

Well, i'm happy to share with you, though I do not know our tastes would be the same...but, for outstanding work, let me turn you on to three of my total favorites...very solid programs, very excellent work...

Google them up if you want.

Herg's solitaire
Herg's Yahtzee
and a Bejeweled clone called GEMini.

They are very good. I have others on mine of course, like I said, even though the site I'm getting them from is a legal ROM site, in that it is ALL homebrew, and all are hosted with permission of the authors, I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to post it here in public, but the site is something like "Pool Darts Roms"

Yes, I do truly love the Dingoo. I own four of them, that's how much I love it.

I also do intend, however, on getting my hot little hands on a Wiz or two as well.

If it's retro, it's for me!!

As far as kicking around...yeah, it's really too bad that that OTHER board for the Dingoo let the dicks stay and treat me like garbage and then ban me...but thank heaven for Ninja Proxy, LOL.

They can't keep me out.
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fishybawb said:
Just ignore SONY, everyone knows he's a douche :)

No biggie. He is obviously someone who feels insecure, and has to "one-up" everyone, because he obviously doesn't feel adequate...so, he needs to blow out someone else's candle in order to make his own glow more brightly. Pity. I feel sorry for him.

See, I'm a game connoisseur. I only collect games worth collecting. I don't have games "just to have them."
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One of the few problems with emulation gaming is that you're often spoiled for choice. It's easy to find a complete romset for any system with a floppity jillion games, but it's a pain in the butt sorting the good from the bad. Grats on paring your collection down to something reasonable.

I'm sure some people would be interested in seeing what you've chosen. If you can print a directory list to a text file and put it up on pastebin or something similar, I know I wouldn't mind taking a look. :)
Chip said:
One of the few problems with emulation gaming is that you're often spoiled for choice. It's easy to find a complete romset for any system with a floppity jillion games, but it's a pain in the butt sorting the good from the bad. Grats on paring your collection down to something reasonable.

I'm sure some people would be interested in seeing what you've chosen. If you can print a directory list to a text file and put it up on pastebin or something similar, I know I wouldn't mind taking a look. :)

Exactly. I'm still not quite through with my sorting and paring down, and even adding a few just yet, but i'm close to finished with that. I'll be happy to post something like that when I'm done.

I'd also be happy to post what I keep on my "absolute faves" system I have mentioned that I'm going to do.

Basically, I wanted to have 1,000 or more good games on the "master" system...so that I have them available to play, but I want something even more manageable, for the system I'm going to carry around and use frequently...just the games that I am MOST likely to play...and play often.

That was why I responded as I did to SONY. Because you are right. I found it incredibly easy to find complete romsets for many different systems...and if you take all of them, yeah, you can have 5,000 or more games real easy...but no distinction between what games you'd actually WANT.

My tastes may differ from other people's tastes, I can certainly accept that - for example, I don't much care for beat'em ups...you know like Street Fighter...where you seem to be just beating folks up for no real reason, I don't care at all for GTA, I'm honestly offended by that game series, call me a frump, but I believe it encourages and glorifies lawbreaking and senseless violence.

I also don't care much for FPS sort of games, I just don't like the perspective, and I find the controls difficult at best. similarly, I don't care for the first-person view in shooters, like airplane shooters...I prefer something like 1942, with the top-down view over the first-person view. Again, it's a control thing.

However, when I'm fully finished, I'll gladly post my selections, sorted by system, that I have kept.

What I'll do, though, is to post it in the Off-Topic Forum. Call it "Kalisiin's Picks."

Bear in mind also that I'm an old-school gamer, as such, many of my tastes tend to favor games made more in the 1980's, the time in which I grew up...and thus, the games may not be familiar to some of the younger people on this forum.

Incidentally, since I posted, I found a few more homebrews I felt were worthy of looking at for possible inclusion. and there are still a few games left that are barely hanging in there, that I think are "lame" and thus, may yet be eliminated from the final cut.

Give me a couple weeks, and I should have something, okay?
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Kalisiin said:
I have 1,002 good games on my Dingoo now. By this, I mean, games I will actually play...not just "games I have on there, just to have them."

Of course, not all are like favorites, but they're all good games I'm likely to try playing at some point.

I'm going to set up my second Dingoo with just the faves.

Anyway, this is what I have, by emulated system

I have 8 of the .app built-in games left (I only kept the good ones, and dumped the crappy ones)
I have 10 of the .jgc (GBA built-in games) left...again, I dumped the crappy ones
I have 3 games in Dingux, all the other pre-loaded games that didn't work, or I didn't like, I dumped.

In addition to those 21 games I have:

Atari Lynx = 20
Atari 2600 = 56
Atari 7800 = 18
Colecovision = 32
Gameboy = 71
GBC = 64
GBA = 68
Homebrew GBA games = 15 (only the very best made the cut, none of the lame ones)
NES = 101
SNES = 62
NEO-GEO = 4 (the ones I couldn't make run on FBA)
CPS2 = 3 (the ones I could not make run on (FBA)
PC Engine = 41
SEGA GameGear = 35
Genesis = 83
Master System = 42
MAME = 243
FBA = 23

and a partridge in a pear tree!!! :lol:

Anyways, that makes 1,002 games I like and may actually play, on my Dingoo. I'm thinking that my "faves only" Dingoo will have about 250, maybe 300.
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I tend to also like topshooters. I'm also a sucker for good rpg's, I tends to lean towards jrpgs.
bnolsen said:
I tend to also like topshooters. I'm also a sucker for good rpg's, I tends to lean towards jrpgs.
Sounds like our tastes may be similar. But how do YOU define a good RPG?

that's a subjective sort of thing. For me, a good RPG is filled with MIND candy, not necessarily eye-candy.
They can keep the flashy graphics and mini-movies, give me a good storyline! And give me a reasonable level of difficulty...I don't want it to be next to impossible (example Shadowgate was awful tough to figure out - they never did give you any hints) and I don't want it to be too easy, like most modern RPG's...where you hardly have to work for it before you are literally handed an awesome weapon.

I like it when you have to grind for it a bit, and work your way up. Also, I prefer menu-driven RPG's and turn-based RPG's...computers CHEAT in the live-action sort...whaling away on you much faster and more times than it will EVER allow you to whale on the enemy. I like a challenge, but not Hiroshima, ya know?

Storyline is very important in forming my opinion on an RPG...it needs to involve me, big time...get me wrapped up in the game on many different levels...including even emotional attachments to the characters (not many RPG's are really able to accomplish this) For me, the best of the best is Dragon Quest 5...the original version, not the re-make for the DS. But gimme the DeJap translation, I'm a stickler about my games being in English...that's a big thing for me, I do not like my games to be in foreign languages. Call me ugly American if you want, but my attitude is that, English is good enough for me, and so, it should be good enough for everyone else, too. Why do we need all these different languages?

Well, anyway, back to my project...I should have a solid set shortly.
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Kalisiin said:
bnolsen said:
I tend to also like topshooters. I'm also a sucker for good rpg's, I tends to lean towards jrpgs.
Sounds like our tastes may be similar. But how do YOU define a good RPG?

that's a subjective sort of thing. For me, a good RPG is filled with MIND candy, not necessarily eye-candy.
They can keep the flashy graphics and mini-movies, give me a good storyline! And give me a reasonable level of difficulty...I don't want it to be next to impossible (example Shadowgate was awful tough to figure out - they never did give you any hints) and I don't want it to be too easy, like most modern RPG's...where you hardly have to work for it before you are literally handed an awesome weapon.

I like it when you have to grind for it a bit, and work your way up. Also, I prefer menu-driven RPG's and turn-based RPG's...computers CHEAT in the live-action sort...whaling away on you much faster and more times than it will EVER allow you to whale on the enemy. I like a challenge, but not Hiroshima, ya know?

Storyline is very important in forming my opinion on an RPG...it needs to involve me, big time...get me wrapped up in the game on many different levels...including even emotional attachments to the characters (not many RPG's are really able to accomplish this) For me, the best of the best is Dragon Quest 5...the original version, not the re-make for the DS. But gimme the DeJap translation, I'm a stickler about my games being in English...that's a big thing for me, I do not like my games to be in foreign languages. Call me ugly American if you want, but my attitude is that, English is good enough for me, and so, it should be good enough for everyone else, too. Why do we need all these different languages?

Well, anyway, back to my project...I should have a solid set shortly.

I'm guessing very very similar...I'm turn based
RPGs I liked:
Dreamcast: Grandia II
PS: Grandia I (played this after grandia II)
PSP: Brave Story, New Traveller
GBA: Golden Sun
Dreamcast: Skies of Arcadia

What I dislike:
"Tales" series (don't like action stuff)
DS: Final Fantasy III

I haven't tried FF4 on DS or Chrono Trigger just yet
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