I'm Probably Just Going To Get This


Jun 29, 2007
I need a couple questions asnrewed
1. Can it play Widescreen Movies
2. If 1 is Yes can it play them on a Widescreen TV without squishing anythiing and properly?
3. Does the TV Out work well on PAL TVs for most users?
4. Can you all tell me that this device RULES or too many problems?
Straight out asnrews are totaly welcome :P
Just about everybody here has done their homework before purchasing the GP2X. A reasonable amount of research will reveal that it is not a perfect device, but most of us decided that the pros outweighed the cons.

You really don't know if you want one (understandable), but you're just tossing around frequently asked questions (FAQs) instead of expending the effort to find out for yourself. People have even taken the time to point you in the right direction (I know I sent you two links).

The GP2X isn't like the PSP. You're going to have to work a little before you can have your fun with it, and it won't be a 100% perfect standard "Sony-level" console even when you do.

Look at the youtube videos, do some research, then you'll be able to ask questions from a strong, informed basis.

PS: US TVs use NTSC, not PAL.
saehn said:
Just about everybody here has done their homework before purchasing the GP2X. A reasonable amount of research will reveal that it is not a perfect device, but most of us decided that the pros outweighed the cons.

You really don't know if you want one (understandable), but you're just tossing around frequently asked questions (FAQs) instead of expending the effort to find out for yourself. People have even taken the time to point you in the right direction (I know I sent you two links).

The GP2X isn't like the PSP. You're going to have to work a little before you can have your fun with it, and it won't be a 100% perfect standard "Sony-level" console even when you do.

Look at the youtube videos, do some research, then you'll be able to ask questions from a strong, informed basis.

PS: US TVs use NTSC, not PAL.
Well at least you were honest, and I could of sworn it was PAL oh well :P
I want this device for its Emulators, TV OUT, and easy(ier) game design than the PSP. But some of my questions were left un asnrewed :huh: I know there are FAQs but I could not find asnrews to my questions + there is no good compad list for EMulator Games most of them only show like 12 games or something whats up with that :angry: ?
Also The GP2X isin't like the PSP? And I will have to work before I can have fun with it, What is that suppose to mean you guys can execute emulators on all Firmwares we have to hack our consoles before we can do anything lol
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I think what he was implying is that there is sometimes a steep learning curve when people are introduced to some of the ideas, etc. from the GP2X world.

Have you checked out the wiki, or thought about searching the forums for compatibility reports? I was sure that WarmFluffyUK had some kind of compatibility site...

I think what he was implying is that there is sometimes a steep learning curve when people are introduced to some of the ideas, etc. from the GP2X world.

Have you checked out the wiki, or thought about searching the forums for compatibility reports? I was sure that WarmFluffyUK had some kind of compatibility site...
Well nobody answered so I will do what I can :)


1. Can it play Widescreen Movies

Of course, if you don't mind black bands


2. If 1 is Yes can it play them on a Widescreen TV without squishing anythiing and properly?

I don't know about widescreen movies, but I played a 4/3 manga on a 16/9 TV and it was just fine :)


3. Does the TV Out work well on PAL TVs for most users?

It works for NTSC or PAL, but it really depends on how the application handles it! most important softs support TV Out well, like Genesis, SNES or GnGeo or Mame (not sure for this last one), but some others don't do, like many homebrew games (i'm not really sure because I'm usually not using TVout)

But on my LCD TV, I found TVout just bad for gaming, because games are 320x240 on a huge screen :s so imperfections of chatod tubes and old composite cables used to smooth the screen, but a sharp display using modern cables is almost disgusting to see :D

Don't worry : films are rendered at their native resolution, so no worries, it's only for games


4. Can you all tell me that this device RULES or too many problems?

this device rules because of it's fans (mostyl on this foruml :) ), the lot of motivated developers, port of old games and emulators, but it kind of sucks for it's poor battery life (/me wants a DS lol) or poor build quality, some internal design problems (which are for the developers to overcome)

Emulation is mostly OK up to PSX (psx is slow at the moment, but great work is being done by Zodttd)

ok i think i'm done :)
TylerAW said:
I need a couple questions asnrewed
1. Can it play Widescreen Movies
2. If 1 is Yes can it play them on a Widescreen TV without squishing anythiing and properly?
3. Does the TV Out work well on PAL TVs for most users?
It can play movies and the like but I don't think it's the best player out there. I think you should buy something designed to play movies, such as a dvd player which has a usb socket on the front, and connect that to an external hard disk. I know several people with this setup, and they think it's the dogs danglies :)

For emulation, you should stick with your PSP. Do some research, and game development on that is just as easy as the gp2x if you go along the right paths...
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saehn said:
Just about everybody here has done their homework before purchasing the GP2X. A reasonable amount of research will reveal that it is not a perfect device, but most of us decided that the pros outweighed the cons.

You really don't know if you want one (understandable), but you're just tossing around frequently asked questions (FAQs) instead of expending the effort to find out for yourself. People have even taken the time to point you in the right direction (I know I sent you two links).

The GP2X isn't like the PSP. You're going to have to work a little before you can have your fun with it, and it won't be a 100% perfect standard "Sony-level" console even when you do.

Look at the youtube videos, do some research, then you'll be able to ask questions from a strong, informed basis.

PS: US TVs use NTSC, not PAL.
I have been thinking about people saying how hard it is to find out how to use the GP2X for home brew and emulators. I don't have a PSP, but i know that Sony isn't making it easier to run home brew and emulators on it with the default firmware.
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Here is one thing I want to know.
Let's say I'm playing Sonic 1 on a Sega emulator and tell it to do TV out on a 19 inch 4:3 regular TV. Does it look like I'm playing Sega or is it really screwed up?
ANd if it is really screwed up do most games look like that?
Squidge said:
It depends on the emulator...
Well what if its any emulator and that one program that runs in the backround to do Universal TV OUT is being used?
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As far as I know, that universal tv out program can't change the resolution and a few other things, so it still depends on the emulator :P
Squidge said:
As far as I know, that universal tv out program can't change the resolution and a few other things, so it still depends on the emulator :P
So all the ROMs run at the same Res but diff Emulators run at Diff Resolutions?
Are there a lot of emulators that do not work for TVs well or do most do it fine?
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Again, depends on the emulator :P I think most try and convert the rom res to a standard res.

Why not just buy the stuff and try for yourself?
Squidge said:
Again, depends on the emulator :P I think most try and convert the rom res to a standard res.

Why not just buy the stuff and try for yourself?
It is really tempting to just get a :gp2x
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trooper said:
TylerAW said:
Squidge said:
Again, depends on the emulator :P I think most try and convert the rom res to a standard res.

Why not just buy the stuff and try for yourself?
It is really tempting to just get a :gp2x

Well ?.


Leaning twords yes but not until I can find a solid Tutorial that has all the downloads in them ;) cause a lot of them are old and outdated.
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TylerAW said:
Leaning twords yes but not until I can find a solid Tutorial that has all the downloads in them ;) cause a lot of them are old and outdated.
A tutorial for what exactly ?, Downloads for what ?, And a lot of what are old and out dated ?. :blink:

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He wants a wee goodie bag, with everything nicely set up for him. People take the time to write nice free software, and bam comes Mr. Consumer with no time to waste.
Alex. said:
He wants a wee goodie bag, with everything nicely set up for him. People take the time to write nice free software, and bam comes Mr. Consumer with no time to waste.
No I want a Tutorial you know one of those things that explains how you do something. Cause without tutorials how do we get anywhere in programming? OH THATS RIGHT! <_< Nobody does and if anyone can tell me that they learned to program without one than by all means show us how without a oh wait that would be a Tutorial sorry ;)
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