I'm making a Sonic game for the PC

Yeah the only playable code was for the PC, the guy who made it playable nearly died he worked on it so much (true story, google it). He seems very reluctant to communicate with anyone from the Sonic community, its probably reclaimed hard drive space now.
Quiest posted on Jul 24 2005 said:
Hey Twimfy, you`re a Scrubs fan? :D (judging by the text beneath your avater)

All 4 series torrented to my hard drive :D, I love scrubs, can't get enough of it.
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Twimfy posted on Jul 24 2005 said:
All 4 series torrented to my hard drive :D, I love scrubs, can't get enough of it.

:o You had 4 series??? Only two ran in Germany, yet :( And they are currently repeating the first serie...

Can`t wait for new episodes!
I really like Dr Cox (his statements make me crap my pants :D, and the caretaker is really cool, too! Love this!
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Damn you Twimfy! You have forced me to download the first series of scrubs. There goes 4 gigs of HDD space :).
lol, I only have a 50Gb HD, 16Gb of which is scrubs occupied. I'm rather concerned about my mental health at the moment, as soon as I run out of new episodes to watch (half way through series 4 at the moment)I may go crazy.

Unlucky Quiest, yeah there's 4 series and I think 4 is the last unfortunately.Dr Cox is a genious.

An update, at last I have a playable character. Model was supplied by Damizean of the sonic fan game HQ forums, however it was skinned and animated by myself. My site has also undergone a redesign, nothing special but take a look if you like.
Wow, that screenshot actually got me excited. Please keep working on this, it's awesome. Even if you end up making it more exploration and plot than running around and loop-the-loops, it'll still be awesome :)
An update, at last I have a playable character. Model was supplied by Damizean of the sonic fan game HQ forums, however it was skinned and animated by myself. My site has also undergone a redesign, nothing special but take a look if you like.
WOW! Nice. I would love to try this out at a later date.
Anyone recognise this guy?

It's a generic Robotnik trooper from the comic, probably the first Sonic the comic exclusive 3D model in existence, well I can always hope thats the case.

Knocked it up in 3 hours, jpeg quality doesnt really do it justice, and looks great when the lighting and shadows start moving around.

It's the most common enemy in the comic so soon I should have some mini fight scenarios I can test and play around with rather than getting blocks to attack blocks.

I'm finally in the mood to start making this a full time project....hope it lasts.
Wow, this is really really impressive. Please keep up the good work.

Also, sorry if it's posted elsewhere, but what is this game written in (language and libraries)?
iignotus posted on Sep 6 2005 said:
Wow, this is really really impressive. Please keep up the good work.

Also, sorry if it's posted elsewhere, but what is this game written in (language and libraries)?

Built using A6 3D Gamestudio, which features its own Model, level and script editor. It uses a variation of C in combination with its own unique library of functions plugins and commands.

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MY GOD, that actually looks STUNNING, PLEASE KEEP WORKING ON IT!, that could be a huge success, look how big sonice adventure on dreamcast was but this will be with comics & stuff! CLASSY :D
bargainbassments3 posted on Sep 8 2005 said:
MY GOD, that actually looks STUNNING, PLEASE KEEP WORKING ON IT!, that could be a huge success, look how big sonice adventure on dreamcast was but this will be with comics & stuff! CLASSY :D

Cheers for the support. It's come on leaps and bounds over the past few days, I've been teaching myself all the code to get an engine demo running, as soon as it's done I'll let you all have a go of controlling Sonic.
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bargainbassments3 posted on Sep 8 2005 said:
thats impressive stuff m8, wish i knew how to do that!, is it hard to do?

Anyone could learn I guess, but it takes dedication and patience, anyone expecting a game to pop up over night it a fool.
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bargainbassments3 posted on Sep 9 2005 said:
what software would i need to start? & is there any decent help places???


Above is the link for the software I use. You can find a 30 day trial there which features a model editor, a level editor and a script editor. The program itself has built in tutorials which are fairly good for getting you started but complete newbie help can be found through a simple google search. The most useful site is probably www.3dgsuv.com

Hope that helps.
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Man that's some really awesome stuff. This game is looking better and better lately. The levels look good but I really like the models, especially the Sonic one, stays true to his original design and looks fantastic. Now this will undoubtedly be the best fanmade Sonic game B). I really cant wait to see how great the demo will play.