Im In Big Trouble


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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the gp32 (nlu) i bought on ebay come with the usb cable. but it dont work. i have a card reader. but when i press select when booting , no option is present. so i suppose i have the first firmware with no opensource.

what can i do ? windows cant detect the gp32 correctly always said, there a problem with the hardware connected to it. and in some computer when i connect , notthing happen. its take like several try just to get this stupid message from windows.
i connect using the usb connector icon on the gp32.

please help me :)

all the gp32 lin k on the forum are dead

the gp32 usb port seem damaged. so can i install a free launcher on my smc card with a card reader. do you any trick ?

or my gp32 is good for trash
It doesn't work how? There were serious issues with the GP32 (or at least, with my GP32) in terms of when, precisely, you had to plug it in. Whilst I can't remember the order, experiment with loading the software manager (or whatever it's called - I forget) first, then plugging in the GP32, then putting it in USB mode, then hitting connect in different orders. This makes a surprisingly big difference (for me, between the GP32 working at all and not so doing).

If you're definitely doing things in the right order (i.e. you dig through the forums and find out what order that is), then all hope is not necessarily lost. Whilst you might be unable to get your gamepark ID, you can still probably get the SMC's ID using one of the various command-like tools and your card reader. As GP32s can run files excrypted EITHER for the unit OR for the SMC, you should be able to use that to generate a Freelauncher, at least, assuming the servers for so doing are still running in #GP32 or #GP32dev on Efnet.

If the servers are dead, or you can't get the SMC's ID, and your USB cable really is dead, then I'm afraid I'm mostly out of ideas. The only thing I can suggest is finding someone who has a Jtag cable (or building one yourself - the schematic is fairly simple, as they go) and using that to flash yourself a new firmware where you don't need the Freelauncher (e.g. PacRom, or more likely, AquaFish's multi FW). That should definitely work, but it is quite a bit of effort.

I'm fairly sure the relevant people are still there though. Try #gp32dev on Efnet, and be prepared to wait for a response.
You could also try using another PC.
Perhaps try a machine that has Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

If you get really stuck you could send the GP32 to me and I can try to flash a new firmware for you.
slaanesh said:
You could also try using another PC.
Perhaps try a machine that has Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

If you get really stuck you could send the GP32 to me and I can try to flash a new firmware for you.

do you have the Jtag ?

( i tried 6 diffent pc with no sucess, wind xp, w98, vista...)
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without jtag, i think the only trick is encrypted the free launcher with the SMC ID. is it what you thinking about ?

(im sure that i didnt do anything wrong with it. the gp32 has reaaly a problem. even the self test give strange result and said cant open usb port or cant transfer data correctly. i had a blu in the past, so i know how work a gp32. and im working in computer.)
I had this problem with my "SUPER HYPER GAME MP4 PLAYBACK! PRESS START! HELLO FUN!" chinese made MP3 player (Seriously, that is what it said it was on the box! :lol: ) When Windows says that the device malfunctioned, it means that either the device really IS broken, or more likely, that one of the data wires is not connect right on the usb.

I fixed my MP3 player by opening up and soldering directly to the traces on the board. I would add a full size USB slave device port, there is plenty of room in the gp32 for it, and then you can use a cable that is guaranteed to work. I hope you can fix your problem!