Hardcore Gamer
Thanks to everyone for your compliments! B)
The parts I ended up using were a chopped down NES controller circuit board & membrane and the d-pad from a gameboy pocket. I didn't really think of anything myself, I just followed others' examples. It also took me a lot of parts that didn't work right or I screwed up by oversoldering or something.
A lot more info about how I did it is in this link.
Nice dpad mod, but I don`t like the paint job.
Any tutorial around (or how about making one?) for a dpad mod.
no real tutorial out there, but all the info is in my old link here.
about the paint job - what is it you don't like? the color or the quality?
Only one question: how are the diagonals now?
most emulators already cater to the dpad users, I haven't found one yet that didn't work right.
This is a really cool mod.
it could be total cool if you posted a toturial/pictures on how you made it
thanks! check out my old thread above, it has links to wiring connections and plenty of ideas! No pics there though, but there are on other links from there with lots of pics!
How did you get the paint to stick? How chip-resistant is it?
And welcome back!
Thanks! The exact brand is "ColorSpray" Premium Enamel it says "SURE GRiP" on it on the side. It was bought at Wal-Mart apparently because the color on the label on the back says "walmart cobalt blue"
I just roughed up the surface of everything I wanted painted with a light sandpaper so it had something to grip to better. Just make sure it's really clean of dust before you paint!
How is the D-pad compared to the stick? I don't have a GBPocket, but I do have a GBColor, that might work? And like conopio asked: How are the diagonals?
Oh, and what tools did you use, could you write a tutorial?
Yeah, the GBColor should have the same D-Pad as the GBPocket. Actually, someone used a NES D-Pad I linked to in my older thread that inspired me to do this.
Diagonals are fine in everything I've tried so far, and that's most of the emulators and some of the homebrew.'s MUCH nicer and more responsive than the stock stick.
Tools/ Parts Needed...
Philips Screwdriver
Dremel Cutting/Sanding/Cleaning Kit (without dremel) $20.00 i think
Soldering Iron, Solder, Flux
An old donor IDE Cable for wiring
Wire Cutters (AKA "Dikes")
Wire Strippers
Razor Blade (Xacto Knife)
Double Sided Tape
Donor D-Pad
Donor D-Pad Membrane
Donor D-Pad Circuitboard (trimmed to fit in that tight position)
I think that's it..... :rolleyes:
Impressive, how the D-Pad Cross seems to perfect fit into the Case. smile.gif
By the way, do this Mod also support Stick-Click?
Thanks a lot!
No, I didn't put a button in for stick click yet, I probably will in the future, but there's not much out there that requires stick click that I'm aware of yet. I'm sure if I'm wrong someone out there will correct me! :rolleyes: In order to do a stick click I just have to find a suitable button and placement for it. No one else seems to have bothered with the button either.
The parts I ended up using were a chopped down NES controller circuit board & membrane and the d-pad from a gameboy pocket. I didn't really think of anything myself, I just followed others' examples. It also took me a lot of parts that didn't work right or I screwed up by oversoldering or something.
A lot more info about how I did it is in this link.
Nice dpad mod, but I don`t like the paint job.
Any tutorial around (or how about making one?) for a dpad mod.
no real tutorial out there, but all the info is in my old link here.
about the paint job - what is it you don't like? the color or the quality?
Only one question: how are the diagonals now?
most emulators already cater to the dpad users, I haven't found one yet that didn't work right.
This is a really cool mod.
it could be total cool if you posted a toturial/pictures on how you made it
thanks! check out my old thread above, it has links to wiring connections and plenty of ideas! No pics there though, but there are on other links from there with lots of pics!
How did you get the paint to stick? How chip-resistant is it?
And welcome back!
Thanks! The exact brand is "ColorSpray" Premium Enamel it says "SURE GRiP" on it on the side. It was bought at Wal-Mart apparently because the color on the label on the back says "walmart cobalt blue"
I just roughed up the surface of everything I wanted painted with a light sandpaper so it had something to grip to better. Just make sure it's really clean of dust before you paint!
How is the D-pad compared to the stick? I don't have a GBPocket, but I do have a GBColor, that might work? And like conopio asked: How are the diagonals?
Oh, and what tools did you use, could you write a tutorial?
Yeah, the GBColor should have the same D-Pad as the GBPocket. Actually, someone used a NES D-Pad I linked to in my older thread that inspired me to do this.
Diagonals are fine in everything I've tried so far, and that's most of the emulators and some of the homebrew.'s MUCH nicer and more responsive than the stock stick.
Tools/ Parts Needed...
Philips Screwdriver
Dremel Cutting/Sanding/Cleaning Kit (without dremel) $20.00 i think
Soldering Iron, Solder, Flux
An old donor IDE Cable for wiring
Wire Cutters (AKA "Dikes")
Wire Strippers
Razor Blade (Xacto Knife)
Double Sided Tape
Donor D-Pad
Donor D-Pad Membrane
Donor D-Pad Circuitboard (trimmed to fit in that tight position)
I think that's it..... :rolleyes:
Impressive, how the D-Pad Cross seems to perfect fit into the Case. smile.gif
By the way, do this Mod also support Stick-Click?
Thanks a lot!
No, I didn't put a button in for stick click yet, I probably will in the future, but there's not much out there that requires stick click that I'm aware of yet. I'm sure if I'm wrong someone out there will correct me! :rolleyes: In order to do a stick click I just have to find a suitable button and placement for it. No one else seems to have bothered with the button either.
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