"i'll Cry If This Isn't Entered In Gbax" Thread

I've taken in all that has been said so far, and I'm very sorry to hear the way Giana's Return has panned out. I'm guilty of not giving feedback as I haven't hardly had a chance to play it. Also I'm guilty of giving feedback for the puzzle games that only took days to make as this has more appeal for me on my gp32 and I don't have a lot of free time to do everything....

You did kind of hijack this thread but I'm a lot wiser for hearing what you have to say, and hopefully others will be too.
A few questions for you Kojote.

1. Why do you think the GP32 created traffic for downloading Gianas Return? Maybe because people wanted a decent game?

2. Isn't the fact they downloaded it tribute enough to your talents or do you want everone on their knees saying we're not worthy?

3. Why if you want praise don't you praise others?

There have been some excellent releases in the last month or two but in your posts I find no praise of BOR, GPdrive, Perfect Fit, Final War, Xroar, the list of excellent recent releases goes on and yet your praise is non existent or is it that you haven't downloaded any of these excellent games / tools. That in itself would be insult enough.

I suggest you practice what you preach.

Nuff said.
well meow. Sum1 lock this damned orum coz every ones getting pissed off with each other, where has all the love gone?!?!

For once Don I understand where u are coming from and i feel that i shud b giving more praise to the people who make games so here it is:


but thats the best i can do coz i just dont have time to go through and praise each person. I do coursework for my college work and I work part time too. If i did have the time i would take all of u out for a pint, but i dont so i cant
Whoa... I just code for fun... I don't expect anything. Its a hobby, isn't it like that for most people?

If I wanted rewards i'd go back to doing commercial stuff.


Same here Craig, I code for fun (at home) and for a living (at work) :) Strangely enough, I never seem to get fedup of it, even after a 12 hour day at work, I can come home and start again until the small hours of the morning. I don't do it everyday, but I think it's better than vegetating in front of the tv. (Other days are for getting drunk :)
Oh come on, its not like we're are pressuring the coders. I think its amazing how this community can do a thread like this. With most other communities they'll know the program, but not the author who made it. The gp32 community on the other hand respects the authors, not the programs they make. Alot of these posts are saying they want to see an author submit something, not specifically. This just shows that they are showing interest in the authors work. Would rather have us not speak of any of the authors again? Then pretty much the rest of the posts are saying that they'd wanna see a specific program, not by any author in paticular. People aren't pressuring anyone they are just saying that whats they are interested in. Kojote I love the work you have done, but please Kojote don't be an ass and let us have our forum.

p.s. I'd cry if an updated version of Giana sisters isnt entered in to the contest :P

I was wondering, why was it that us staff members nominated you for Guru status, because obviously as you said... none of us tried your game or have even heard of your website
You did kind of hijack this thread but I'm a lot wiser for hearing what you have to say, and hopefully others will be too.
true, i hijacked the threat with my comment which I'm sorry for. But I had to say something on this and the threat just contains everything which currently pisses me on in gp32 scene. again sorry

A few questions for you Kojote.

1. Why do you think the GP32 created traffic for downloading Gianas Return? Maybe because people wanted a decent game?

2. Isn't the fact they downloaded it tribute enough to your talents or do you want everone on their knees saying we're not worthy?

3. Why if you want praise don't you praise others?

There have been some excellent releases in the last month or two but in your posts I find no praise of BOR, GPdrive, Perfect Fit, Final War, Xroar, the list of excellent recent releases goes on and yet your praise is non existent or is it that you haven't downloaded any of these excellent games / tools. That in itself would be insult enough.

I suggest you practice what you preach.

1. the game created traffic, which is a fact
2. plain downloads don't show if ppl like the stuff. it's one click to download something and that's it. and the stuff with "do you want everyone on their knees saying we are not workty"... as mentioned... the gp32 scene was begging for stuff... dozens of ppl said we want a beta... at least over 100... if you can beg for a beta, you can write at least one line of feedback. this ist just a general statement which must not involve you at all. i just want to explain with this... if people want stuff they beg, if they have it, they forget you in the same moment. of course this does not apply to everyone.
3. i do that, but i prefer to tell an author my opinion about something in an query or by personal email if he is not reachable on irc. if you would have followed my work then you notice that i have done a couple of interviews with developers, which does not only show i appreciate the persons work, i also did that for the communitiy. that guys like you, have more backgroundinformation on recent happenings. as you wrote yourself... i also don't have that much time to check every single release, if it seems to be a solid production you can be sure that i had a check on it and the author got at least a tiny feedback. even if i don't practise this not that often anymore due to final exams.

Kojote I love the work you have done, but please Kojote don't be an ass and let us have our forum.

thanks, but this is a public forum. and i am reading this forum and i also want to have the right to post my opinions here. i never used bad words... like Badtoad... It's my opinion, please accept it, or don't.

I was wondering, why was it that us staff members nominated you for Guru status, because obviously as you said... none of us tried your game or have even heard of your website
if you think i should not have "guru" status, please remove it. in fact i never asked for it, nor i would consider myself as "GP32 Guru".

The gp32 community on the other hand respects the authors, not the programs they make.
i can read where the respect is. i write an opinion and someone tells me to put my head into a dead bears ass... really respectfull.

Guys, as I said. I don't want to offend anyone. If i have done so, I'm truly sorry. If there is a fun threat like this it should be explicitly pointed out as "FUN Threat", which can't be misunderstood by newbies. I had mentioned my examples anyway. I want that people see, that the GP32 is more like a machine having emulators and that the one or other person in this scene could need motivation to continue. Just leave me beside... I don't care that much anymore as I'm used to get less feedback the past 10 years I'm doing various programs, services, music and other stuff (for free!) ... my power is allready mostly gone.

As long as people have the things they want, they don't complain. Once they loose it, most start whining like small kids. I have seen that when I closed down PDRoms for a half year. I left a mail for possible contact reasons... every third mail was "where do i get my roms now, i want to play mario". even if the other 2 mails contained motivating words and people understand my decision... it's demotivation that many people still did not got it and continue asking for romz.

all i want is, just see the GP32 as something wonderfull the scene was always waiting for. respect it's powers and don't reduce it to one function (eg as emulator machine). also keep in mind that a newbie could read YOUR posting first and might get a wrong opinion (fully working gba emu...) about the whole thing. nebies can get in the wrong path faster than you can breath... we are all a big family and should hold together.

i might be the "asshole" now as i said my opinion. but think about my words. just catch me up on IRC and feel free to talk about it. i'll try to have an open ear as my time allows it.
Meonlyeviler posted on Apr 10 2004 at 06:34 AM said:
Oh come on, its not like we're are pressuring the coders. I think its amazing how this community can do a thread like this. With most other communities they'll know the program, but not the author who made it. The gp32 community on the other hand respects the authors, not the programs they make. Alot of these posts are saying they want to see an author submit something, not specifically. This just shows that they are showing interest in the authors work. Would rather have us not speak of any of the authors again? Then pretty much the rest of the posts are saying that they'd wanna see a specific program, not by any author in paticular. People aren't pressuring anyone they are just saying that whats they are interested in. Kojote I love the work you have done, but please Kojote don't be an ass and let us have our forum.

p.s. I'd cry if an updated version of Giana sisters isnt entered in to the contest :P

I was wondering, why was it that us staff members nominated you for Guru status, because obviously as you said... none of us tried your game or have even heard of your website
You blasted the nail on the head there :) This thred was exactly that to see what people are interested in.
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Right... A litte drunk so my real opinion here!

We as a community rely on several coders to do stuff, we love those coders as they have the ability to make the stuff we want. These coders do not have to dev for the gp32 but as a community they are heling in a big way. I myself would hapily port stuff if I could; unfortunately I cant, I know VB, I know Pascal but these are alot easier than C/C++ so yea. I dont think this post is hurting anyone; its just people saying what they would like to be entered, I myself would like to be entered:
  • OS9X
  • FGEN
  • 3D Racing Engine
  • GPWars
  • BOR
  • Gpfinalwar
  • Gigas Engine
  • And so much more im too drunk to remember... anything for the GP32 is good in my eyes :)
It doesent matter if they are entered, it would be nice and us saying we love these devers may make them feel wanted, it would me :D. Kjote I love your work... infact I posted about the vote; I like Gianas Return (although im crap at it) and If I could I would show my respect to other authors... infact I will:
  • Ryleh - Youve done so much for the scene; I love your emus :)
  • Mr.Spiv - I love your Firmware and everything youve done for the community.
  • Kjote - Well done with your PD roms site and well played for the amazing game :)
  • Squidge - w00t for BOR... and GPDrive (the best utility for the GP32)
  • craigix - nice doom conversion... oh and you sold me my gp32 I love you most of all :D
  • DJWillis - Nice SCUMM port :)
  • And to everyone im too drunk to remember... I love you :D
edit: And when I have a job I will donate to you all if I can :)

edit: sorry craig I was wasted, I usually do manage to spell it right. :rolleyes:
Never thought we'd get something like Graig out of it...I mean...the two characters are pretty far away on the keyboard...or, who spells Greg with "ai." What was he thinking! Oh wait, he was drunk.
Rico posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:59 AM said:
PinkSpider posted on Apr 11 2004 at 03:38 PM said:
In my defence I was really drunk! :D
You're always really drunk :P
Comeon there was that day when I maybe wasent :D , well maybe not.

Gonna have to be soon gonna go see my bloody family for a few days with only my gp32 for company. :(
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don't let them see you hugging your gp32 murmrering " your my only friend here, we gotta stick together. Right!"

thats some explaining you don't wanna do.