If Only The Sources Were Avalable....

Rayek posted on Feb 14 2006 at 03:18 AM said:
Or the last three episodes of Keen.

I looked into it. A lot of people have tried to make a Windows-compatible clone, but no one has come even close to an acceptable-quality clone, partially because some of the level data is hard-coded into the executable file (evil evil evil evil evil). This is one I think we're going to need to convince ID to release the source for.

If we do get the source, however, we should be able to get Bio-Menace and a couple other games working that are powered by the Keen4 engine.
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fifa98 pc version and grandprix2 from microprose...
i know it are dreamports because they are written for another cpu and they need directx, but shoud gp2x be able to run such a games? (if they are written for the gp2x himself/herself)
DJWillis posted on Feb 14 2006 at 12:10 PM said:
There is a sub-project of ScummVM to rework both Grim and Escape called Residual (http://www.scummvm.org/subprojects.php) but it is a very CPU heavy beast and needs H/W OpenGL. Don't ever expect to see this on the GP2X, it's not even really usable on a PC yet and is not under massive amounts of development at the moment.
It's been a while since I played it... but weren't all the backgrounds pre-rendered anyways? If so, then the only real 3D part to worry about would be the characters themselves. I realize we haven't seen a lot of 3D stuff on the GP2X yet, but I figured this would be at least in the ballpark for it.

I think it's safe to say that the folks working on Residual know a heck of a lot more about this stuff than I do though, so I guess I'll just shut up and hope for the best.

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Ive passed Fallout 1 about 3 times, it was a very good game. The game i would like to see however, is either Jagged Alliance 1 or 2. Jagged Alliance 2 has the source avaliable, i dont know if its full, or if the GP2X can handle it.
dioxide posted on Feb 14 2006 at 09:10 PM said:
Ive passed Fallout 1 about 3 times, it was a very good game. The game i would like to see however, is either Jagged Alliance 1 or 2. Jagged Alliance 2 has the source avaliable, i dont know if its full, or if the GP2X can handle it.

Ah, forgot about that one. I think the full source code is availible actually. But the game might suffer from scaling, and the enemy turns takes quite some time on my 3200+ so it might be a bit frustrationg to play on the gpx2. I would rather like to see JA1: Deadly Games. For some strange reason the sourcecode is not availible though. :(
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Silberstein posted on Feb 14 2006 at 08:15 PM said:
dioxide posted on Feb 14 2006 at 09:10 PM said:
Ive passed Fallout 1 about 3 times, it was a very good game. The game i would like to see however, is either Jagged Alliance 1 or 2. Jagged Alliance 2 has the source avaliable, i dont know if its full, or if the GP2X can handle it.

Ah, forgot about that one. I think the full source code is availible actually. But the game might suffer from scaling, and the enemy turns takes quite some time on my 3200+ so it might be a bit frustrationg to play on the gpx2. I would rather like to see JA1: Deadly Games. For some strange reason the sourcecode is not availible though. :(

The enemy turns can take long on my 1400+ too, I think it's just a time based system implemented to give the feeling that the AI is "thinking".
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Ze_ro posted on Feb 14 2006 at 04:57 PM said:
Wow, lots of good ones already mentioned... here's my additions:
  • One Must Fall 2097 (Old DOS 1-on-1 fighter with mechs. This is the best fighting game DOS ever got in my opinion)

  • Traffic Department 2192 (Obscure DOS overhead view shooter, great storyline)

  • Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 (Same engine as System Shock, so we'd get three for the price of one! :D )

  • Alpha Centauri (I'll settle for a port of FreeCiv though)

  • Grim Fandango (I'm surprised the ScummVM folks haven't done anything with this and Escape from Monkey Island... or maybe they have and just haven't released anything)

  • Ultima V and VI (There are projects attempting to reimplement both these games... VI is getting close, but V is a long way off)

  • The "Unlimited Adventures" engine that runs all the SSI AD&D Gold Box adventure games (It always amazes me that we have stuff like FreeSCI and ScummVM working so good, yet no one has tried to reimplement the engine that runs such classics as Curse of the Azure Bonds and Pools of Darkness)

  • Dungeon Master (Actually, there IS source code available, although it's not terribly friendly... I wish I had more time to attempt a good port of this game rather than to rely on Amiga/Atari ST emulation...)

"Mr Doctor" said:
Oh and may I add, STRIFE! Awsome lil game that beat crappy Deus Ex at its own game years before Ion Storm even existed :D
There is some hope for this actually... Strife is just another game that used the Doom engine, although for some reason (proprietary source code modifications?), very few of the Doom source ports support it. I think ZDoom has some amount of Strife support, although I haven't tried it myself so I don't know if it's playable or not. Hopefully this is just a matter of time....

On a similar note, I'd be very happy if someone managed to get Shadow Warrior and Blood working, but these are kind of in the same boat.


Actually Ultima Underworld and System Shock, although they do use the same engine, that doesn't mean you can swap out the data files and run System Shock on the Ultima Underworld executables. And strife uses a very modified Doom engine, so that is why doom source mods have trouble running it.

As for my list...

System Shock
Fallout 1 & 2
Planescape: torment
LBA 1 & 2
Half Life (Hey, it might run at 320x240 in software mode... maybe)
Dark Forces
Ultima VI
Ultima Underworld 1 & 2
Marathon Aleph One
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Hail to my brothers who voted for Fallout! That was truly one hell of a RPG game. Both endings were very tear-jerking..sigh it was a masterpiece. But back on the subject, I would LOVE to have these games on the GP2X:

Fallout 1/2

Baldur's gate

Might and Magic 3 (snes rom is too slow, genesis butchers the game)

Ultima 8 (Guys, the people who made the interpreter for Ultima 7 released another one for Ultima 8 WITH source code!! So get to it guys :P)



Command and Conquer

Any of the Wing Commander series

And hell since we're already speaking unrealistically:

Baldur's gate II

Septerra Core

Fallout Tactics


Warcarft 2

X-Com Apocalypse

Lord of the Realms 2 or 3

And one last thing, the folks at the 'No Mutants Allowed' forums created an isometric engine to mimic that of Fallout's. It was quite a sucessful project. Maybe something could be done with that to port the classic over :ph34r:
Isnt there an infinity engine... interpreter thingy? gemrb or something.
Maybe we could run Baldursgate on the GP2X afterall :b
Baldur's Gate on the GP2X would be a FREAKING dream! Brings back the days where I could do approximately 500 damage with a multiclass Fighter/Thief/Mage with one backstab :P .
Settlers (widelands on sourceforge?)
Laser Squad
Command and Conquer
Championship Manager (earlier, good, version)
Mr Doctor posted on Feb 13 2006 at 08:20 AM said:
greven posted on Feb 13 2006 at 02:02 PM said:
DIABLO, but without a mouss (or a touchpad, humm, who said Nintendo DS :rolleyes: ) it will be different, but still possible, look a the Lord of the Ring GBA games
That and Starcraft are alegedly getting DS ports.....

*huggles Blizzard*

They may have made some utter rubbishy games lately, but they can still please me :D

What the hell have they made at all lately, besides crap for World of Warcraft?

And no, if anyone says it, I will personally kill them.
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Rollercoaster Tycoon would probably be the single greatest event of the 21st Century if it was made available for the GP2X, I'm making do with Theme Park on DrMD at the moment.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee would be a ton o'fun, as would Terminal Velocity and Blood.

Little Big Adventure 2 is most probably my favourite game ever, so that would be kind of okay to have as well. And Worms Armageddeon!

Sonic CD also, and maybe Knuckles Chaotix.

That's all I got for now.
TwoHeadedBoy posted on Mar 15 2006 at 05:46 PM said:

Rollercoaster Tycoon would probably be the single greatest event of the 21st Century if it was made available for the GP2X, I'm making do with Theme Park on DrMD at the moment.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee would be a ton o'fun, as would Terminal Velocity and Blood.

Little Big Adventure 2 is most probably my favourite game ever, so that would be kind of okay to have as well. And Worms Armageddeon!

Sonic CD also, and maybe Knuckles Chaotix.

That's all I got for now.

If I got Rollercoaster Tycoon on the gp2x ,I would for the only time in my life donate!
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