Hello Backers,
I'm sorry for the lack of communication, the set up of the icp2 project involved multiple companies.
As I'm sure you're aware the project failed due to a series of unexpected factors:
Some unexpected price increases dropped on us at the last minute. Issues with finishing the product to 100% reliability in a reasonable time. Part shortages leading to lengthy delays. Stopping production of the iCP1 (our cash flow) too soon in anticipation of the iCP2 being ready to ship.
Until recently I was still trying to raise enough money (around $25,000) to try to finish the project but this is looking increasingly unlikely.
You will have to give us time to deconstruct the setup in order to see how much money can be refunded to backers.
We do have enough iCP1 devices to cover any backers which involved these.
We will contact all backers when we have details of a refund procedure.
Thanks for your patience,