Ico And Shadow...

The point of reviews shouldnt be to color your choice of purchase but only to help you make (or not make) a more informed purchase. That's why I like Gamespot's reviews they usually simply tell you what they felt was good or bad about the game and why, meanwhile IGN tends towards overly dramatic emotional responses which might be more like a regular person would talk but it's not exactly as biased.

Gamespot- textures seemed very low quality compared to other games of it's type, 7.6
IGN- OHMYGOD! The graphics looked like greasy roadkill!, 6.9
Gamespot- the music was well suited to the genre and never got old, 8.6
IGN- The tunes were perfect, 9.0

Not taken from any specific reviews just my impression of the review styles of each site. But I agree, Read the REVIEW not the number (especially with IGN's wild mood swings, they can say something is great and still give it a 7.)
Well, I just finished my first play-through of Shadow of the Colossus, and it was AMAZING. It took me 11 hours 37 minutes. The story is quite good, but there isn't much of a story between the introduction and the end. Now I plan on replaying it on hard mode and beating all 16 colossi on time attack mode. Oh, and then I will climb to the top of the tower/shrine that you start out at and, when i'm done looking around, jump off. This game is definitely one of my favorite games ever.
That's it. I need this game now. (for real this time :P )

EDIT: Alright, I got it; haven't played it yet, though. :D
Good, i'm sure you'll love it.

BTW, I unlocked the whistling arrow and I now successfully climbed to the "secret garden" but its not as interesting as it sounds (still pretty cool though).
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Well, I've played it a little (still not very much), and I'm thoroughly impressed so far. However, I think maybe it has to do with me being a photographer, but I really dislike the washed-out/overexposed art style. I didn't like it in Ico, and I don't like it here either. I like rich, vibrant colors, which is why I think Skies of Arcadia is probably one of the (for lack of a better word) prettiest games I've ever played.

But that complaint aside, this game is awesome. I'm still astounded that the PS2 can handle such gigantic and very detailed models. :)
Well, I've played it a little (still not very much), and I'm thoroughly impressed so far. However, I think maybe it has to do with me being a photographer, but I really dislike the washed-out/overexposed art style. I didn't like it in Ico, and I don't like it here either. I like rich, vibrant colors, which is why I think Skies of Arcadia is probably one of the (for lack of a better word) prettiest games I've ever played.

But that complaint aside, this game is awesome. I'm still astounded that the PS2 can handle such gigantic and very detailed models. :)
Hmmm..... I love the art style in Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. I also like Skies of Arcadia art style, but I like the Ico/Shadow art style better. Yes, it probably has to do with you being a photographer. So, do you like the zelda: Windwaker art style?
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So, do you like the zelda: Windwaker art style?
Yep, love it (was actually going to mention that one in my previous post, too). :)

By the way, did you find the camera in Shadow of the Colossus a bit troublesome? Because I have to wrestle with it all the time.
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Sometimes the camera works perfect for me while other times I find myself fighting it. But I don't really mind it that much as I am used to having to manually control the camera because many games I play just about require it. Try to just use the camera angles it gives you as most of the time, while not perfect, they work fine for what you're trying to do (or supposed to be trying to do :P ).
I'd like to tell you what I think of ICO, i picked it up in the bargain bin for $8.89CDN on hearing good buzz, to find out it's a damn BLUE DVD which my PS2 cannot read, so it joins the junkpile of my Puzzle Bobble IV and Harry Potter unplayable games :(

Anyone know a fix for this? or do I just shake my fist at sony?
Maybe it's from a different region, Jurassic.. try mod-chipping the PS2, or simply buy a new Playstation 2.
P.S. We did not just get crappy BRITISH (Not European *vomit*) translation, we recieved a translation of Yorda's language. I hate that England has to wait so long for video games because they must be translated in Italian, French etc, can't they get their own region and stay the hell away from England?!!
Thank you for the suggestion, but mod-chipping isn't something I want to get involved in (me and soldering guns make things stop working) and 'getting a new ps2' isn't really viable either I just blew the budget getting a GPX2 instead of Xmas supplies. :)

I have sometimes found that i can get the blue discs to read (after that wierd grinding noise that DeadlyChicken22 has noted too) if the unit has been warm for a while, there's maybe a 1-20 chance it will read and it seems fine once it gets past the copy-protection check so I guess I will just plug away one night when I have time to sit and re-boot endlessly, hehe.
If you hear grinding of clicking noises when playing the Blue/CD games that means you are having or are on the verge of having the D.R.E. problem. I suggest contacting sony and tellign them you have disk read errors if/when you find the system will not play CD games.

I got a free repair, hopfully it's still an option.