Hello people!
I am a huge fan of i3-wm. I have always wanted it on the pandora and could never get it compiled. A while ago I thought I'd try again and only got to a certain point of the build. ptitSeb has now compiled binaries for us and I would love to package this as a pnd.
If you like i3/tiling window managers, please contribute and test it out.
We do not have dmenu working on the build and there is no status bar as of yet.
To do:
- integrate dmenu with pndlib so that it gets all installed pnds. This has been done already, we just need to get it into this installer.
- compile and configure polybar. Polybar is a lot more fun compared to i3status. We will be able to switch wifi/usb host/screen brightness and whatever may come in handy with this.
- get a nicer terminal integrated than xterm. I was thinking about using termite, which is very modern, let's you switch to a command mode where you can use vim bindings and other neat things (style with css, blindingly fast, fully xterm compatible etc).
- more library path problem. can't call i3-msg right now as it can't find "libxcb.so.1"
this needs to be fixed to properly exit i3. The gui.conf entry shouldn't have to call "killall i3" but instead use "i3-msg exit" to send it the proper exit signal.
Binaries are here:
Most of the stuff from the archive isn't needed. The files from bin can go into /usr/bin.
The libraries can go into /usr/lib/i3
I wouldn't recommend copying into the lib folder, use a subfolder so you can remove it more easily. Also I bricked my pandora overwriting libraries without using a subfolder.
edgex004 already figured out a great way to get everything going.
After all files have been copied, make a new script "i3startup" in /usr/bin:
Don't forget to chmod +x the script, so that it can be executed.
Get the standard config from the tar archive, it's "etc/config" and copy that to your home folder into a new directory to ~/.i3/config
In that file I recommend you change the terminal that is being opened by pressing Mod1+enter to xterm for now. And find the line which is used to exit i3 (should be the keycombo Mod1+shift+enter) and delete the whole line after "exec". Then replace exec with exit. Now you can actually exit back into xfce4 if you get fed up.
And then to get it all into the switchgui menu edit /etc/pandora/config/gui.conf and add the following:
I am a huge fan of i3-wm. I have always wanted it on the pandora and could never get it compiled. A while ago I thought I'd try again and only got to a certain point of the build. ptitSeb has now compiled binaries for us and I would love to package this as a pnd.
If you like i3/tiling window managers, please contribute and test it out.
We do not have dmenu working on the build and there is no status bar as of yet.
To do:
- integrate dmenu with pndlib so that it gets all installed pnds. This has been done already, we just need to get it into this installer.
- compile and configure polybar. Polybar is a lot more fun compared to i3status. We will be able to switch wifi/usb host/screen brightness and whatever may come in handy with this.
- get a nicer terminal integrated than xterm. I was thinking about using termite, which is very modern, let's you switch to a command mode where you can use vim bindings and other neat things (style with css, blindingly fast, fully xterm compatible etc).
- more library path problem. can't call i3-msg right now as it can't find "libxcb.so.1"
this needs to be fixed to properly exit i3. The gui.conf entry shouldn't have to call "killall i3" but instead use "i3-msg exit" to send it the proper exit signal.
Binaries are here:
Most of the stuff from the archive isn't needed. The files from bin can go into /usr/bin.
The libraries can go into /usr/lib/i3
I wouldn't recommend copying into the lib folder, use a subfolder so you can remove it more easily. Also I bricked my pandora overwriting libraries without using a subfolder.
edgex004 already figured out a great way to get everything going.
After all files have been copied, make a new script "i3startup" in /usr/bin:
export XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=/usr/share/X11/xkb
Get the standard config from the tar archive, it's "etc/config" and copy that to your home folder into a new directory to ~/.i3/config
In that file I recommend you change the terminal that is being opened by pressing Mod1+enter to xterm for now. And find the line which is used to exit i3 (should be the keycombo Mod1+shift+enter) and delete the whole line after "exec". Then replace exec with exit. Now you can actually exit back into xfce4 if you get fed up.
And then to get it all into the switchgui menu edit /etc/pandora/config/gui.conf and add the following:
i3;i3wm tiling window manager;i3startup;killall i3
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