I Want Scanlines On Mk2 Screen


Sep 14, 2006
I like scanlines and want them on the new gp2x mk2 screen. Is it possible to get the scanlines on mk2 by downgrading the firmware? I will be buying a mk2 unit soon but I've had a mk1 unit and liked the scanline effect even though many people didn't.
To the best of my knowledge Scanlines were an artifact of the Mk1 screens. The newer screens on the Mk2 simply dont have them. Sorry :(
Yep i think you should try to find a Mk1 if you want scanlines.
Mine got scanlines and i like it too ;-).
Perhaps another gp2x user would like to have a mk2 instead his "scanlined" mk1.
I like scanlines and want them on the new gp2x mk2 screen. Is it possible to get the scanlines on mk2 by downgrading the firmware? I will be buying a mk2 unit soon but I've had a mk1 unit and liked the scanline effect even though many people didn't.

Im a big fan of 'scanlines' and did have a mk1 unit, I thought I would really miss them on my new mk2 unit, but because the mk2 screen had other benifits such as the colours being more vivid, and doesent look as 'washed out' I actully prefer it to the scanlined mk1 screen (a good example of this Mame Ghouls N Ghosts which looks much better on the mk2 screen in my opinion)
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Yes I bought another one for a friend and it was a mk2.
The screen is superb, the colors are nice, it's almost perfect in term of brightness
...but without scanlines ;-)
i personally cant see why anyone would want scanlines. its like.. asking for worse quality O_o. artefacts that are not supposed to be there.
It's because to me they give a more retro feel to the older games. Correct me if I'm wrong but did not lower resolution arcade monitors have scanlines?, also because I had an Amstrad CPC 464 many years ago and I really liked the graphics on some games, which looked like they were made from fine "lines" and did not look blocky. I didn't like the blocky graphics on other games.
It's because to me they give a more retro feel to the older games. Correct me if I'm wrong but did not lower resolution arcade monitors have scanlines?, also because I had an Amstrad CPC 464 many years ago and I really liked the graphics on some games, which looked like they were made from fine "lines" and did not look blocky. I didn't like the blocky graphics on other games.

I don't want to spoil your enthusiasm, but these scanlines are not like those known from CPC or Commodore monitors. These are really annoying and appear when you would rather not have them. I am saying that even though I myself would like to trade my MK1 for MK2, just wanted to be square ;)
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i personally cant see why anyone would want scanlines. its like.. asking for worse quality O_o. artefacts that are not supposed to be there.
I guess for the same reason that people like "full screen" mode for emulators that make the pixels look blocky ;)
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i personally cant see why anyone would want scanlines. its like.. asking for worse quality O_o. artefacts that are not supposed to be there.
I guess for the same reason that people like "full screen" mode for emulators that make the pixels look blocky ;)

You see, in some cases it is handy. I don't mean for systems like SMS or SNES where it would not only produce pixelation, but also distort the image. I mean GameBoy, GameGear and similar devices with low resolution, which leads to 2x2 pixels, but rids you of the need to use a magnifying glass ;)
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