I Think I Am Becomming Obsessed

Yeah, but as far as machines go, I'd put Zodiac low on the list... sure it's cool, but it's powered by palmOS which instantly earns it "Suxxor" status in my book...
Had a strange dream the other night, i had the gp2x in my hands and I was awe striken by it - it was the most impressive thing that i ever had seen.

Only thing was - that the screen on the gp2x was no bugger than my thumb and was blurry as heck.

Now what does that mean?
I think it means that, atleast subconciously, you are worried about the GP2X not being as great as it sounds... It also points to the fact that you've had similar experiences in the past...
It means that since you thought it was the greatest thing ever, despite the fact it had a crappy screen, that you are either easily pleased/impressed or very forgiving of major obvious flaws if the rest is good :P or something. (I shoulda done psychology or philosophy for my A levels shouldn't I ;))

I had a very weird game related dream a few nights ago... not gp2x related though.

Clearly I've been playing too much DooM... I was running around some place and my view was like the game (except my gun was more to the side than dead centre), I don't know what happened exactly, but it involved scenes from the Doom movie trailer :s I'm still puzzling over that...

I think I had a few weird DS dreams after I'd ordered my DS, and was impatient. I'd been let down by Lik-Sang already IIRC, and I was pretty annoyed. Mostly though, my dreams revolve around extreme surrealness. I often have strangely vivid dreams, except they are often clear and lucid, sometims even coherent BUT at the same time, like looking through some sort of mental fog. Very strange...
I'm so obsessed that i've listed most of the artists i'm going to listen to on it...
Kajiura Yuki
Dir En Grey
Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Still not done...
I had a dream last night that I killed 4 or 5 people and then I got sad because I had to find a place to hide their bodies.. somehow, it ended up with me going on IRC.

I need to get out more. :-(
Had a strange dream the other night, i had the gp2x in my hands and I was awe striken by it - it was the most impressive thing that i ever had seen.

Only thing was - that the screen on the gp2x was no bugger than my thumb and was blurry as heck.

Now what does that mean?
It means you will be subjected to a life of pain and depression.
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I had a dream last night that I killed 4 or 5 people and then I got sad because I had to find a place to hide their bodies.. somehow, it ended up with me going on IRC.

I need to get out more. :-(

interestingly enough, i just watched american psycho... and that, i'm definitely slamming on my gp2x!
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