I Saw A Used Blu In A Game Store Today And...

No, it can just be a non-lit unit. You should def try out the gp in the store if you can as this handheld is very niche; the owner may not even know all the differences between the unis.

I did try it out, for a few mins...It had doom on it. It ran pretty well. thats pretty much all i saw of the unit. I figured snes emu wouldn't run at full speed...I saw a few other posts on this, but do the genesis and the PC Engine run well with sound on that flu unit?

I want to thank everybody for helping me on out and answering my questions.. your guy have been a big help.
Non Lit Unit (Nlu) Has no light at all and no button on the back

Front lit Unit (Flu) Has a white light border around the screen and a button on the back to switch the light on and off.

Back lit Unit (Blu) Has a light just like most pocket pc`s and laptop with the light distributed evenly across the screen, There is no button the back of this unit, You have to press and hold the select button for around three seconds to turn the light on and off.

Hope this helps.


Yes...that was very helpful.... I'm beginning to understand more about this handheld. I'll go into that store tomorrow with knowing what to look for.

this board is cool.
It all depends on how much or even if that particular gp's processor can be overclocked (oc'd). the standard is 133 (this is guaranteed), though most go higher. There is no way to tell how high that particular gp oc's to without runnig an app that will alter the clockspeed (most emu's, including doom, can do this).

pc engine will run well no matter what; it is excellent at 133 (not perfect, but near there), though you cannot save.

As for genesis, well it all depends. You'll hear mixed reactions as to how well dr.md plays and practically everone plays at different clockspeeds. I will say this though- most games run well at 156, and is you don't mind playing without sound, you will be pleased as they run much faster, even at 133 (especially in fgen, though this emu has some compatability issues.

I reccomend going back and trying out doom and see how high that particular gp can oc. Just go to cpu clockspeed (it's the first option on the menu when you boot doom up) and mess around with higher clockspeeds. If it reboots on you, it cannot handle that speed.

edit: overclocking the processor will do no damage to your gp
I reccomend going back and trying out doom and see how high that particular gp can oc to next time you go back to the store. Just go to cpu clockspeed (it's the first option on the menu when you boot doom up) and mess around with higher clockspeeds. If it reboots on you, it cannot handle that speed

Thanks, I will.

I'm going back tomorrow and check on both systems he has with a fine tooth comb.
Non Lit Unit (Nlu) Has no light at all and no button on the back

Front lit Unit (Flu) Has a white light border around the screen and a button on the back to switch the light on and off.

Back lit Unit (Blu) Has a light just like most pocket pc`s and laptop with the light distributed evenly across the screen, There is no button the back of this unit, You have to press and hold the select button for around three seconds to turn the light on and off.

Hope this helps.


Yes...that was very helpful.... I'm beginning to understand more about this handheld. I'll go into that store tomorrow with knowing what to look for.

this board is cool.

I guess we are. :P

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i used to have a FLU and loved it!!! the front light is so bright you can double it up as a handy torch!!

on the other hand, reliability is a little more questionable with a FLU so ask if it comes with a warranty.

FLU's are also rather scarce now and could be quite collectible, so as long as it works correctly you can't lose!! :D
FLU/BLU only refer to the light. The CPU is the same in both.

I have made a picture of my FLU unit; note the switch that shows that it's a FLU:

For76, I suppose you should take it if you want a GP32. You can see if it overclocks only if you run a program on it, there's no way to tell without using actually using it; mine does about 150 and most programs run great. SNES is kind of a problem (you won't get full speed and sound, believe me), but usually playable without sound.

EDIT: By the way: FLU means FRONT LIT UNIT and BLU means BACK LIT UNIT.

Thank you very much, syaing the FLU colors aren't as good or thre dsplay. This si a bunch a bull. The only difference is the front or back lighting and the type of LCD. Most likley those remarks are comming from angry BLU owners who are mad about SNES.
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Thank you very much, syaing the FLU colors aren't as good or thre dsplay. This si a bunch a bull. The only difference is the front or back lighting and the type of LCD. Most likley those remarks are comming from angry BLU owners who are mad about SNES.

You've obviosly never owned both. Look at the difference between front lighting and back lighting in anything, and you will see the difference. If something is frontlit, the light washes out colors b/c it is reflecting off of the screen, where as there is no reflection when using a blu because the light is coming form the back.

And what do you mean, BLU owners who are angry about snes? That post makes no sense.
Thank you very much, syaing the FLU colors aren't as good or thre dsplay. This si a bunch a bull. The only difference is the front or back lighting and the type of LCD. Most likley those remarks are comming from angry BLU owners who are mad about SNES.

You've obviosly never owned both. Look at the difference between front lighting and back lighting in anything, and you will see the difference. If something is frontlit, the light washes out colors b/c it is reflecting off of the screen, where as there is no reflection when using a blu because the light is coming form the back.

And what do you mean, BLU owners who are angry about snes? That post makes no sense.

It does make sense but this is not worth my time to go into. Some times I wonder why I waste my times wiht these posts.... :P
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Thank you very much, syaing the FLU colors aren't as good or thre dsplay. This si a bunch a bull. The only difference is the front or back lighting and the type of LCD. Most likley those remarks are comming from angry BLU owners who are mad about SNES.

You sir are full of crap and obviously don't own a BLU and have never seen one. :rolleyes:

The BLU has much better lighting and contrast. The FLU is washed out and the black is muted because of the Front-light.

Please don't post if you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

And yes I own 2 of each so I DO know what I'm talking about.
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Thank you very much, syaing the FLU colors aren't as good or thre dsplay. This si a bunch a bull. The only difference is the front or back lighting and the type of LCD. Most likley those remarks are comming from angry BLU owners who are mad about SNES.

You've obviosly never owned both. Look at the difference between front lighting and back lighting in anything, and you will see the difference. If something is frontlit, the light washes out colors b/c it is reflecting off of the screen, where as there is no reflection when using a blu because the light is coming form the back.

And what do you mean, BLU owners who are angry about snes? That post makes no sense.

It does make sense but this is not worth my time to go into. Some times I wonder why I waste my times wiht these posts.... :P

You should not do mushrooms and make posts. It makes you sound real dumb. Frontlighting makes colors look washed out.. full stop. Ever wonder why frontlighting is not used anymore for any devices including Pocket PCs Palm PDAs etc? Frontlighting is what the GBA SP uses. Backlighting is what a laptop uses. You are telling me that the colors and contrast are as good on an Sp as a laptop? This sounds like remarks that are comming from angry FLU owners who are mad about SNES :rolleyes:
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Always makes me laugh when people have to argue which technology is better just to make themselves feel better about having shelled out the money to buy it...

I own a FLU.

Screen-wise, the BLU is better.

Do I care? No! I still have as much fun with my FLU. I dont sit there all the time thinking "I'm not enjoying his game cos it would have better contrast on a BLU".

People worry about it way too much.

If you've seen a FLU fro £76, that's a fair price, and I'd go for it. If it doesnt clock to 166 and you want to sell it, there's plenty of ebayers that'll take it off your hands.

I wish people would just enjoy it and stop arguing about what's better....
Thank you very much, syaing the FLU colors aren't as good or thre dsplay. This si a bunch a bull. The only difference is the front or back lighting and the type of LCD. Most likley those remarks are comming from angry BLU owners who are mad about SNES.
Yes they are...
I used to own a FLU and switched to a BLU and I noticed a world of difference.
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It's simple really. Even a 133 GP32 is a better emulation handheld than anything else currently out there and with new optimised versions of emulators popping up all over the place it can only get better. I say buy it and welcome to the GP32 owners club. :)
FLU/BLU only refer to the light. The CPU is the same in both.

I have made a picture of my FLU unit; note the switch that shows that it's a FLU:

For76, I suppose you should take it if you want a GP32. You can see if it overclocks only if you run a program on it, there's no way to tell without using actually using it; mine does about 150 and most programs run great. SNES is kind of a problem (you won't get full speed and sound, believe me), but usually playable without sound.

EDIT: By the way: FLU means FRONT LIT UNIT and BLU means BACK LIT UNIT.

Thank you very much, syaing the FLU colors aren't as good or thre dsplay. This si a bunch a bull. The only difference is the front or back lighting and the type of LCD. Most likley those remarks are comming from angry BLU owners who are mad about SNES.


Wheres that web site that was made that shows the difference of the FLU and BLU :)... Damn I think its down :(

Anyway, I have a FLU and BLU and the BLU is just AMAZING quality compaired to the FLU... when the FLU is on in the dark, all the colours are washed out and faded looking... Turn the BLU on and its like a laptop quality screen in the dark, its just amazing :D... If you get a chance to play on a BLU you will know the difference in picture quility when using the lights.... BUT the FLU and NLU is better in natural sun light..
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