I Really Want Ubuntu 10 On The Pandora!


Still Fresh
Oct 25, 2010
hey everybody
I was doing some research on Extend OS project that is taking place by stuckie. I have downloaded the desktop version of Ubuntu 10 and its incredible! So,

1. What files are necessary to get Ubuntu 10 to work on the Pandora?

I looked the following website Running Linux From an SD Card and it was saying that you need the Pandora's firmware to get data off of the NAND. So,

2.For the Ubuntu OS Extend is the new firmware for Ubuntu 10 and the files that came with the downloaded package(Ubuntu Desktop Edition) the only files that are needed?

I would really appreciate if all gurus in this field could answer these questions for me. Sorry, if they don't make quite sense. :P
as good as ubuntu is on the desktop if forces you to use things like pulse audio which are just not suitable for devices with smaller amounts of ram and a single core...

It'll work but you may well be disapointed - you can do a lot with debian its just not configured as extensivly out of the box as debian, and in any case I tend to keep with angstrom as once you get under the hood its not all bad...
BRIGUY14 said:
hey everybody
I was doing some research on Extend OS project that is taking place by stuckie. I have downloaded the desktop version of Ubuntu 10 and its incredible! So,

1. What files are necessary to get Ubuntu 10 to work on the Pandora?

I looked the following website Running Linux From an SD Card and it was saying that you need the Pandora's firmware to get data off of the NAND. So,

2.For the Ubuntu OS Extend is the new firmware for Ubuntu 10 and the files that came with the downloaded package(Ubuntu Desktop Edition) the only files that are needed?

I would really appreciate if all gurus in this field could answer these questions for me. Sorry, if they don't make quite sense. :P

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Recent versions of Ubuntu ( post Jaunty ) will not work in the Extend environment due to the replacement of the age old System V init scripts with Upstart.
This is an issue between the way chroot works, and how services want to start ( Upstart near enough requires to be PID 1, which it's not going to get through a chroot environment. )

Currently, as Xopher pointed out, there's some work going on in getting it to run from bootable SD.
My free time's a bit non existent at the moment, but doesn't mean that there isn't at least one lunatic working on it!
You'll just have to be patient...