I Need To Play Red Alert On Xp...


Programer Guru! ...in the making
well, I cant play it
it says it requires windows 9x
i know what that means, but is there any way to get around that damn problem?

isnt there an option in XP that allows it to open programs as if its running a different version of windows ie. 98, 95, 3.1 ?

haven't used it for a long time so i couldn't tell you where it is.
Right Click shortcut to exe->Properties->Compatibility->Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"->Select the Win version you want->OK

Then it should work :)
I happen to be S-Mod on a C&C-Board, so here's a working solution:


As I suppose you don't speak German, I'll just translate what Sven says:

To install the game, just change the compatibility of the Setup.exe
After you have installed it, you can get the XP Patch here: ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/ccgold/CCGOLDXPPATCH.ZIP

Now if you have exchanged the THIPX32.dll with the one you can download under the link above, just start RA95.exe and it should run ;) If you have any more problems, I'd be delighted to post your problem over at CNCForen.de, it's the biggest C&C-Forum in existance - you could even post yourself if you can get through the registration process, nearly everyone there speaks english too ;)