As many of you will know, I have just made a website devoted to wind-ups icons & backgrounds. After a few teething problems the site is now working very well.
What I need from you guys are some suggestions as to what features I could add to my site.
its great you are looking at different hosts.. Those pop ups were getting on my nerves. although there still is a pop up.. But what can ya do. As far as suggestions. I would do the backend differently (but you already knew that. ) and I hate frames.. but thats just my opinion. Also, I was thinking this morning, and I might write up a quick page, that you could use as your Submit link, that would give them an upload button, (to upload the pic), and a name so they can get credit.. And then I would autmatically convert that into an email to you and have it send. But I don't know if I have the time to do that yet. And I don't know how I would do multiple photos Another Suggestion would be to do a couple tutorials that will teach someone to get the correct colors and such so they can make their own (maybe a Photoshop and that other Photo prog. ). Thats about all I can think of for now.
Thank you Rico.. thats exactly what I was looking for. (personally anyway) Cause saving the color table in Photoshop did jack... Crazeeplaya, I will see if I can help you during this next week to automate some of the work on your end.