My new GP32 site: go! go! GP32!

You know, I just noticed that crazeeplaya jumped to the conclusion that I was going to steal all of his backgrounds.

That's a really shitty assumption. I didn't mean to steal anything and I sure as hell wouldn't do something like that. Calm down. <_<
Needs more but it's got potential to be useful. It certainly doesn't deserve the hammering it had earlier on - gawd I hate antisocial people on the boards... just months ago you wouldn't be flamed for ANYTHING but warez... Now it seems to be for everything. Bleh - times change I suppose.

Back to the site, I like it, but I'll prolly mostly stick to the main ones. That said, an alternative resource for downloads is invaluable if one of these goes down. Which can sometimes happen...
Good work, you have to start from somewhere, one thing I would like to see, maybe this is on a web site i haven't been, but I would like to see a rating system for the emulators and freeware game, not just, "good" "bad" "ok", i'd like to see something like 10 out of 10, 8 out of 10. Ratings would really help weed out the bad stuff. :lol:
I like it. You've put a lot of effort into the emulators list, a page with all of them linked is extremely useful :) As for the backgrounds/ least the icons are original. Overall the site offers some things not found elsewhere, and most importantly as the scene expands the number of sites must increase.

Crazeeplaya, please remember that just because you came up with a wind-ups image site first doesn't mean that nobody else is allowed to do it. The more the better.

Zider, I'm interested. IMHO I'm capable of making the scripts for such a download site with user uploading, and if you have a good host we should talk :) My host is very fast and all, but doesn't allow too many files that aren't of my own making, to stop me from making oh, say, a download site :)

On a sidenote the flaming and spamming is getting out of control and it's mostly my fault I expect. As a moderator I should be preventing this sort of annoyance. Expect some changes to be made in future.
A good compatibility matrix that covers all the emus would be nice, users can add info like "Game has problems with: Sound, jerky scroll, crashes after level2 etc.." quite a lot of job to maintain but it would be nice. :)
Good luck with your site
I might implement that ratings system. Actually, I did that sort of "weeding" process with the freeware games, and, to an extent, the emulators. I scrounged up pretty much every freeware game I could get my hands on and tested each one, so when that section goes up, it will be total (in my opinion) quality.

I just took another look at the backgrounds section and realized that some of those I made aren't everyones' thing. :P I'll probably be making a few more and splitting them into sections later tonight.
Wow that brief nudity scared the shit outa me, mainly because im in a freaken lobby were people are sitting down and watching me!!!!!!.

Overall its a good site i give it a 4/10 mainly because It just started but in time it will most likly get better.
Haha, sorry. I'm organizing them into little sections tonight and will make sure the ones with nudity are apart from the ones without.
Nice and thorough emulator section and cool old school style. Keep up the good work. :)

I understand that some of the content may seem redundent or not to the liking of some people but what I don't get is why people get pissed.

Even if the site was totaly non original wich it's not, I wouldn't still get what is there to get pissed about.

I say the more the better and if its unique and creative well even better.
Pretty good site I just started making sites recently myself. Anyway A nice new page would be good with the newest stuff happening and yeah a rating for the emus would rock.
come on, I wasn't flaming. I was simply saying that this has been done before, and what else new can come from other sites?